Pregnancy and Slimming World

Just come home from a weekend in London and after my bath as getting dried my husband said "Omg ur pregnancy gut has started already" yup i am 6.5 weeks pregnant and starting to bloat out...dont think at this rate i could keep quite until scan. X
Laura_carlburgess said:
Just come home from a weekend in London and after my bath as getting dried my husband said "Omg ur pregnancy gut has started already" yup i am 6.5 weeks pregnant and starting to bloat out...dont think at this rate i could keep quite until scan. X

Aw bless you I am the same huuuuge belly at 15 weeks!! Bloat started very early on. Luckily the rest of me hasn't ballooned! Xx
Laura_carlburgess said:
Just come home from a weekend in London and after my bath as getting dried my husband said "Omg ur pregnancy gut has started already" yup i am 6.5 weeks pregnant and starting to bloat out...dont think at this rate i could keep quite until scan. X

Ah bless you, this is your second isn't it? They say you show quicker after the first, and your pretty small already.

I'm exhausted today, midwife has said I need a second glucose test as baby has grown A LOT in less than 2 weeks - not that they'll do anything, just that I'll have a big baby!!!! Ouch!!!
B's lovely lady said:
Ah bless you, this is your second isn't it? They say you show quicker after the first, and your pretty small already.

I'm exhausted today, midwife has said I need a second glucose test as baby has grown A LOT in less than 2 weeks - not that they'll do anything, just that I'll have a big baby!!!! Ouch!!!

Yes this is my second. Our daughter has just turned 3 and is always asking for a baby sister ;-) ooh dear exhaustion i remember well, how many weeks are u now? X
Laura_carlburgess said:
Yes this is my second. Our daughter has just turned 3 and is always asking for a baby sister ;-) ooh dear exhaustion i remember well, how many weeks are u now? X

Ahhhh how cute! Are you going to find out what your having?

I'm 36 wks now
Laura_carlburgess said:
Yes we will. How about u? Wow not long now then is it ;-) is this your first baby? X

We're having a boy. I always thought I'd want a surprise but as soon as I found out I was pregnant I just wanted to know!! Yes, first baby, I'm so excited and nervous!!! X
B's lovely lady said:
We're having a boy. I always thought I'd want a surprise but as soon as I found out I was pregnant I just wanted to know!! Yes, first baby, I'm so excited and nervous!!! X

Congratulations on your little boy :) it's going to be such a special time for you when you get to bring him home :) x
B's lovely lady said:
We're having a boy. I always thought I'd want a surprise but as soon as I found out I was pregnant I just wanted to know!! Yes, first baby, I'm so excited and nervous!!! X

Aww a little boy how exciting. Yes not long now :-D
Wow 37 weeks already?! I'm no longer part of this group so I usually stay in the background but I do remember when you first joined this thread and it has gone so quick. Not long now x
36 weeks, how exciting, your son will be here before you know it B's lovely lady (forgotten your name damn baby brain) boys are ace!!!

I'm 30 weeks today, very excited, the thirties feel like the home straight, its gone ridiculously quickly this time, I finish work 5 weeks on Thursday which is mad!! I really can't wait, feeling really tired (toddlers are not congusive to sleep) and I'm getting up to pee all the time and feeling sore down there, bad times!!!xx
Skonions said:
36 weeks, how exciting, your son will be here before you know it B's lovely lady (forgotten your name damn baby brain) boys are ace!!!

I'm 30 weeks today, very excited, the thirties feel like the home straight, its gone ridiculously quickly this time, I finish work 5 weeks on Thursday which is mad!! I really can't wait, feeling really tired (toddlers are not congusive to sleep) and I'm getting up to pee all the time and feeling sore down there, bad times!!!xx

Ooh no i have a toddler too so as i get bigger i will get more tired but get no rest lol! I remember having naps every afternoon when pregnant with my first. My first scan was 12th Dec but i have my works xmas party the week before so to save all the mither and questions as too why i am not drinking i am paying for a early scan at 10 weeks on the 28th Nov....can't wait ;-) x
Thankfully my little girl who is 2 in jan still has a sleep in the afternoon and I join her. We managed two hours today!!! Felt very lazy when I dragged myself up! X
oasis6918 said:
Wow 37 weeks already?! I'm no longer part of this group so I usually stay in the background but I do remember when you first joined this thread and it has gone so quick. Not long now x

I know, crazy!! Hope you and your little family are all doing well x
Ooh no i have a toddler too so as i get bigger i will get more tired but get no rest lol! I remember having naps every afternoon when pregnant with my first. My first scan was 12th Dec but i have my works xmas party the week before so to save all the mither and questions as too why i am not drinking i am paying for a early scan at 10 weeks on the 28th Nov....can't wait ;-) x

Sneaky, its a nightmare trying to explain why you're not drinking, I used slimming world as an excuse which fooled most people! Good luck for your scan, not long now, I bet you can't wait!!!

I had lots of rest and lie ins the first time around, it was so much easier but at least this time we know what to expect!xx
I went ALL night without having to get up to pee, woooooooooooooooooo woooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!1 I feel like a new woman!! I was clearly that exhausted from having to get up 3 or 4 times the night before I just didn't wake!!! Very happy!!!!!

17 shifts left at work and counting and then I'll be able to get some proper rest hopefully!!!

I missed my 2 ebay parcels which are 2 maternity dresses for crimbo party and to wear christmas day, then I forgot to give hubs the cards so he could pick them up from the sorting office on his way home damn it, I hope they're nice, they were both bargains!!!! Love Ebay!!!!xx