Pregnancy and Slimming World

When's your sweep B, is that today?

I've got the midwife at 10.15, I couldn't find my pee pot though so hopefully I can just do a sample whilst I'm there!! I measured ahead last time so she said if I measure ahead this time they might send me for a growth scan, eeeeeeek!! I don't want a whopper!! Freddie was 8lb 7oz so could be in for 9lb!! I don't think the bump measuring is very accurate anyway!!

I've got slimming world later, hoping for 2 lb gain max but I wont mind if its more really, especially after a 3 course crimbo meal at the weekend!!

How's everyone else today?xx

Yeah sweep was today.. It was a bit uncomfortable but cervix was soft and open so hopefully it helps... I've got another one booked for next wk and an induction date so feel more positive/focused.

How was your appointment? How were you measuring? I seem to have evened out thank god!!!

Good frame of mind to have if you gain xx
Tomorrow at 09.45 I have an appointment with ob/gyn consultant and head midwife to decide whether I can go down c sec route this time after the awful time I had trying to deliver imi and my recovery :( let's hope they go easy on me I'm very emotional today and just keep crying and howling lol what must the neighbours think???
I am just getting so fed up with trying to weigh myself and putting on losing putting on I think for my own sanity I should just eat well follow SW but weigh once month or not at all saves on any extra mood swings!!

Oh Fiona, it's horrible the emotions isn't it! I was very tearful a couple of days ago too. I hope it all goes well tomorrow, just make sure you have all the facts/info to tell the consultant. I don't want to weigh myself anymore either!! After a massive gain (and upset) last week and many other times, I think monthly weigh ins would have been better for me but I'm just to curious to know what I weigh!!! Save your sanity and do it monthly xxxx
Oh Fiona, it's horrible the emotions isn't it! I was very tearful a couple of days ago too. I hope it all goes well tomorrow, just make sure you have all the facts/info to tell the consultant. I don't want to weigh myself anymore either!! After a massive gain (and upset) last week and many other times, I think monthly weigh ins would have been better for me but I'm just to curious to know what I weigh!!! Save your sanity and do it monthly xxxx

It sucks I sortof kicked off crying in my thyroid consultants office last time so this fella has had to step in and said we'll "discuss" it aaaargh!! They need to listen as I can't go through all that again :( x
Tomorrow at 09.45 I have an appointment with ob/gyn consultant and head midwife to decide whether I can go down c sec route this time after the awful time I had trying to deliver imi and my recovery :( let's hope they go easy on me I'm very emotional today and just keep crying and howling lol what must the neighbours think???
I am just getting so fed up with trying to weigh myself and putting on losing putting on I think for my own sanity I should just eat well follow SW but weigh once month or not at all saves on any extra mood swings!!

Sorry you had a rough time the first time round. Would you prefer a c-section then? Hope your appointment goes well and they listen to you!! sod the neighbours, your pregnant and hormonal, its allowed!!

You shouldn't weigh yourself so often if its getting you down, weight gain in pregnancy is normal, may be leave it a month, weigh then and then see how you feel and whether you want to weigh again!! Lots of love xx
Yeah sweep was today.. It was a bit uncomfortable but cervix was soft and open so hopefully it helps... I've got another one booked for next wk and an induction date so feel more positive/focused.

How was your appointment? How were you measuring? I seem to have evened out thank god!!!

Good frame of mind to have if you gain xx

Soft and open sounds good so hopefully it'll get things moving a bit! Glad you're feeling positive and focused!!

Well good news is the heartbeat was good and strong, urine was clear and baby is head down, not engaged but its my second so thats fine and happy its in the right direction!

My blood pressure was a little lower that normal but she said it was fine. My iron was low again, she said it was 11.5 and if it goes below 11 I'd need iron tablets so she took my bloods again and she'll give me a call if I need them! I know u can get some side effects with them but if I do need them it shouldn't be for too long!


I am 34 w 2 d but measuring 38 weeks, eeeeeeeeeeek!!! I've got my scan Tuesday to check my placenta position so I'm now having a growth scan at the same time, I'm hoping I've just got a lot of waters!! What if I'm having a 10 pounder!! My poor lady parts!! Plus I've got lots of lovely newborn clothes from Freddie that I want this one to wear!!

The one good thing about measuring big is whether its baby or water it makes me doubly proud that I've only gained 1/2 lb so far, I'm hoping my arse & legs look tiny afterwards, its hard to tell when I've got a ginormous baby bup but hopefully I can do some clothes shopping once I've had my giant baby for some skinny (less fat) clothes!!

I'm now considering a new baby name, Goliath, lol!!!xx
Last time I had an episiotomy and suction cause after long labour Imogen's heart rate slowed to dangerous pace and I was actually rushed to theatre for emergency c sec. Due to it being an emergency they wouldn't let tony come and I gave birth alone :( turns out lady who filled up water jugs told him we were actually alive poor T!! Anyhow I spent the worst night In Dgh with one midwife actually yelling at me cause I cried and cause imi wouldn't feed without nipple shield. Anyhow 5 days after I had imi all the episiotomy stitches collapsed and went back to hospital in excruciating pain and the consultant who delivered Imogen point blank refused to restitch!! It was so sore I could literally not walk or pick up Imogen I was left with huge cut open!! Nobody would talk to me and kept saying oh it will heal it took 4 months for the flesh to close few months more for skin to actually knit. No sex life not able to walk it was terrible I'm still so sad as I couldn't look after Imogen properly and was house bound for months :(
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Last time I had an episiotomy and suction cause after long labour Imogen's heart rate slowed to dangerous pace and I was actually rushed to theatre for emergency c sec. Due to it being an emergency they wouldn't let tony come and I gave birth alone :( turns out lady who filled up water jugs told him we were actually alive poor T!! Anyhow I spent the worst night In Dgh with one midwife actually yelling at me cause I cried and cause imi wouldn't feed without nipple shield. Anyhow 5 days after I had imi all the episiotomy stitches collapsed and went back to hospital in excruciating pain and the consultant who delivered Imogen point blank refused to restitch!! It was so sore I could literally not walk or pick up Imogen I was left with huge cut open!! Nobody would talk to me and kept saying oh it will heal it took 4 months for the flesh to close few months more for skin to actually knit. No sex life not able to walk it was terrible I'm still so sad as I couldn't look after Imogen properly and was house bound for months :(

Aww hunnie that sounds awful. No wonder its put you off a vaginal delivery.

Try not to get yourself stressed about it, i am sure if you talk your fears over with them a elected c section is the best way forward for u. X
Last time I had an episiotomy and suction cause after long labour Imogen's heart rate slowed to dangerous pace and I was actually rushed to theatre for emergency c sec. Due to it being an emergency they wouldn't let tony come and I gave birth alone :( turns out lady who filled up water jugs told him we were actually alive poor T!! Anyhow I spent the worst night In Dgh with one midwife actually yelling at me cause I cried and cause imi wouldn't feed without nipple shield. Anyhow 5 days after I had imi all the episiotomy stitches collapsed and went back to hospital in excruciating pain and the consultant who delivered Imogen point blank refused to restitch!! It was so sore I could literally not walk or pick up Imogen I was left with huge cut open!! Nobody would talk to me and kept saying oh it will heal it took 4 months for the flesh to close few months more for skin to actually knit. No sex life not able to walk it was terrible I'm still so sad as I couldn't look after Imogen properly and was house bound for months :(

Oh my god, you poor thing, what shocking after care!! Thats really not good enough, no wonder you're feeling so scared and hormonal!! Emergency c-sections must be so scary on your own but nothing van be done about that but can't believe you were left in so much pain and so little support when you should have been enjoying the first few months of your daughters life!! Its unlikely that you would have the same thing this time but they have to listen to what you want as its gonna be hard to have a happy labour if you're full of apprehension! I was lucky and everything went smoothly really and my aftercare was fine so I'm really hoping for the same this time & don't want a c-section as don't wanna feel sore afterwards and want to get breastfeeding established as quickly as possible. I'd write down everything you want to ask and speak about and how you feel as you don't wanna miss things because you're feeling so emotional about things. fingers crossed it all goes well!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The worst is we have no family here (from Africa) so when Tony's pat leave finished I was totally on my own. All my friends worked and I couldn't leave my house anyway.
The worst is we have no family here (from Africa) so when Tony's pat leave finished I was totally on my own. All my friends worked and I couldn't leave my house anyway.

Must have made things feel so much worse! Do you have mum friends from the first time around that don't work or work part time so it'll be easier this time around!! I bet it'll feel so much different and better this time around if you get the birth you want!! Fingers crossed for good births and starts to motherhood for all of us!!xx
Only put on 1 lb tonight at slimming world ladies, reet pleased with that!!!! So 1.5 lbs total weight gain at 34 weeks, so pleased with myself especially as the baby appears to be a whopper!! :)

Hi did u only put on a pound and a half throughout the whole pregnancy? If so what did u do?
Only put on 1 lb tonight at slimming world ladies, reet pleased with that!!!! So 1.5 lbs total weight gain at 34 weeks, so pleased with myself especially as the baby appears to be a whopper!! :)

Well done you!! Have you been strict SW throughout?? If you don't mind me asking did you have a lot to lose before falling pregnant?? I had 2 stones and I haven't lost an ounce even when I have been super good... So for now I'm just going with the flow x
Yeah I still had weight to lose when I found out I was pregnant! I was 13 st 11.5 lbs when I found out & would like to be 10 st 7 lb or maybe even 10 st! I've stuck to slimming world most of the time, not as much when I was feeling sick, had rather a lot of toast but luckily that didn't last too long! I continued to lose the first few weeks getting down to 13 st 2lb I think & then kept gaining and losing the same few lbs, I'm now 13 st 13 lbs as of weigh in last night so only 1.5 lbs gain, reet pleased!! My recommended gain for my weight was 15 lbs which seemed ridiculous and impossible but is now seeming very doable although I think the baby may have a bit of a growth spurt christmas week!! ;-) I've not been as strict with myself as before I was pregnant and I'm expecting to gain now as the baby grows more, I've found it reasonably easy most of the time, part helped by changing groups and having a great new consultant!! My original one left and the replacement wasn't very good but very happy with my group now!! I really didn't wanna undo my hard work losing weight before I got pregnant and I'm bridesmaid for my sister and a friend next year and didn't wanna look like a hippo which has helped motivate me, plus eating SW food makes me feel better, I had loads of heartburn last time but haven't really had it this time so far! I've got a food diary if you wanna have a look, writing it down deffo helps me!!

Anyways how are you today ladies? Any signs after your sweep B?xx
Yeah I still had weight to lose when I found out I was pregnant! I was 13 st 11.5 lbs when I found out & would like to be 10 st 7 lb or maybe even 10 st! I've stuck to slimming world most of the time, not as much when I was feeling sick, had rather a lot of toast but luckily that didn't last too long! I continued to lose the first few weeks getting down to 13 st 2lb I think & then kept gaining and losing the same few lbs, I'm now 13 st 13 lbs as of weigh in last night so only 1.5 lbs gain, reet pleased!! My recommended gain for my weight was 15 lbs which seemed ridiculous and impossible but is now seeming very doable although I think the baby may have a bit of a growth spurt christmas week!! ;-) I've not been as strict with myself as before I was pregnant and I'm expecting to gain now as the baby grows more, I've found it reasonably easy most of the time, part helped by changing groups and having a great new consultant!! My original one left and the replacement wasn't very good but very happy with my group now!! I really didn't wanna undo my hard work losing weight before I got pregnant and I'm bridesmaid for my sister and a friend next year and didn't wanna look like a hippo which has helped motivate me, plus eating SW food makes me feel better, I had loads of heartburn last time but haven't really had it this time so far! I've got a food diary if you wanna have a look, writing it down deffo helps me!!

Anyways how are you today ladies? Any signs after your sweep B?xx

Well you really are an inspiration for preggo mommies everywhere, well done :) ill have a little read of your diary when I got home from sorting an enormous row with car and car finance folk ugh can do without !!! X
Fiona, how did your appointment go with the consultant? What an awful time you went through. I hope you got the go ahead for c-section.

skonions - omg, amazing result at your wi!! You e done so well!!! I can't wait to find out how much you've lost after you have the baby!!! Exciting!!

No news from me yet.....!!!
No his secretary called to cancel as he was off to Hastings to deliver a baby this morning. Little bit gutted as I want to know where I stand but it's fine as it was a good reason :( x