On a SW note - totally not on plan at the mo! Haven't been to SW for three weeks now, with all the stress of waiting for my scan plus other home stuff (one of my cats has been at the vets for a week and has just had an operation - he's my little bab and I've been a right mess!) I just couldn't cope with the pressure of SW too. Especially as no one there knows yet other than my consultant, I feel like such a fraud and a lier and finding it really hard to keep the truth from people at the mo so I'm best off not seeing anyone! I'm trying to not ditch everything about SW but I'm still starving hungry all the time and still getting nauseous when I don't eat so its difficult to stay on. Haven't really been exercising either other than my usual hour walk a day as tbh I'm scared of doing too much/doing it wrong. Plus my hips are starting to ache already which worries me...
My consultant is brill but has made it clear that she won't be pushing me to lose weight, the only person who can do that is my midwife. I think that's the standard SW line, i think they're pretty restricted on what they can say during pregnancy is the impression I get, in order to have the plan accredited. She said she just wants me to try to focus on basic healthy eating and if I lose or gain that's fine. I'm cool with that tbh, I personally don't need the extra pressure at the mo so more than happy to just keep trying to do SW, even if I don't do so well! As long as I don't gain the entire 5 stone 8 lbs I've lost back I'll be happy

Don't want to get too big though, at the moment I'm a comfortable size 18 but if I pile on too much I'll struggle buying maternity clothes as plus size maternity wear seems hard to come by!
Hope everyone is doing ok today! xxx