Big Bird
Glad the scan went well!
On the subject of due dates -I was last & felt all sad about having to wait but now there's already a good few due after me.Time flies by!
Teeth -I need one pulled but after research I've decided I'm not prepared to risk it so I'll wait until baby is here. Chances are they'll need to gas me to get it out anyway cause I'm such a wuss!
Weigh in tonight -half off (bloody miracle)!
Half off is great, well done! I'm looking at a stone on tomorrow haha!
If this one is a failed root canal it'll probably need removing. I've had two wisdom teeth out under local though so not too concerned about that as the local is reported to be safe during pregnancy. I'm more worried that they'll try to retreat the root canal - it was hideous first time round, way worse than both removals!