Silver Member
You poor things. Glad he's on the mend. xx
Thanx hun x
You poor things. Glad he's on the mend. xx
Sorry to hear that but glad your home and things are on the mend X
Allimack, I'm so glad all is ok now. These babies know how to keep their mums busy.
So today is my first day of maternity leave without the children here! I've just dropped them at nursery. I've got wild day planned...scrubbing carpets! Lol will hopefully get this baby engaged though as apparently years ago 'breech' babies were uncommon as women always cleaned the floors on their hands & knees! Hopefully will work for me, I think lo is lying across as its so uncomfy.
Well done you.. Am sure between what you've burned and what baby is taking you're doing just fine calorie wise..
Well done you.. Am sure between what you've burned and what baby is taking you're doing just fine calorie wise..
Hiya.. Welcome and congratulations on your pregnancyHi Ladies I'm new here! I am expecting Baby number 2, really want to stay healthy and try lose some weight before I start to put baby weight on. I put 1 1/2 stone on with my son which wasn't too bad but I was smaller then, than I am
now so any tips would be great!
I am experiencing nausea which I did not have last time round so finding it hard to eat so thinking to make some soups see if that makes a difference.
Had a midwife appointment this morning- 35+1 - and she said babies head is 4/5 there....I'm not quite sure what that means but she seemed v happy (and maybe a bit shocked) by it.
She did weigh me and said I wasn't that bad for weight gain...then looked it up and said 'oh I might have mis calculated a bit' lol.
I asked her about slimming world for after the birth and she said I could go join now! Lol. The prob with that is I told her I wouldn't stick to it and I don't wanna pay £5 to gain weight! Ha ha. I asked about consent forms and she said its normally after the 6 week check up - if I want to go sooner (I was hoping fr 4 weeks after!) she said they will give me forms to fill in and have her sign.
The lady I saw today is the nicest of the midwives and luckily is going to work at my hospital on the ward now for 6 months so she said she might even see me there
Looks like I should start thinking about packing my hospital bag soon!' hehe xx
Glad all went well Cai.. Dunno if that means you might go early?? But great seemed so happy with it...
I'm going to an "Early Pregnancy" meeting in my hospital next week and there will be a dietician there to ask questions etc.. Am gona ask, for me specifically, what my recommended gain/loss during the rest of the pregnancy is..
I know they give general aims online.. But I want specific to me.. So far I've not gained at all but am only 15.5weeks in so its VERY early days...
Well I have gained nearly 4 stone!! Lol. My midwife wasn't concerned and said 2 stone should 'drop off' easily - 1 with the general birth and 1 soon after... Lets hope so!! she mentioned breast feeding helps but using the mothers fat stores for energy. Hope I can do it even if not for long!
When I went into work yesterday the people who had been fasting for Eid was so skinny!! Shame I can't fast lol (tbh I couldn't stick to it and no idea how they managed it!!)
Let us know what they say about weight and losses (especially if they mention diets for shifting it after!!) x
Oh I totally got that wrong then!!
Hi Ladies I'm new here! I am expecting Baby number 2, really want to stay healthy and try lose some weight before I start to put baby weight on. I put 1 1/2 stone on with my son which wasn't too bad but I was smaller then, than I am
now so any tips would be great!
I am experiencing nausea which I did not have last time round so finding it hard to eat so thinking to make some soups see if that makes a difference.
Thanx hun, hope yer feelin better 2 ater avin that bug x