Pregnancy and Slimming World

Can't bend down without a moan lol trying to pick up a wriggly 2 year old is a killer. My tummy muscles all feel squashed and make it hard to breathe and bend down! I feel for you, i CBA to shave my legs the exhaustion has hit an all time low and just getting up is a challenge these days. Still on a brighter note 30 days left, woop woo!

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Glad the name meets with approval - we love it and barring last minute upsets he'll be called just that :)

Thanks for the birthday happies - I think I'm just having a hormonal day today tbh. Sobbed my eyes out after the scan, we'd taken a picnic and we had that in the park near the scan place. I was feeling all down about everything and how awful the picture is and husband said how much he wanted to come back here in a few years and bring a picnic and play on the swings with our boy and that was it, I was off again! Now I'm crying because I feel like I've bought my mum a crap birthday present (it's her birthday two days before mine) and I feel guilty for not spending more on her and taking more time. I need putting away!

With the scan, I would definitely pay full price if I did it again. They just didn't give a toss that we were unhappy, it was so obvious. And who can blame them I suppose, they were making £60 less out of us! The offer wasn't the same as the normal service so we couldn't really expect the same but I didn't realise you couldn't have a rescan. The picture is awful and now I just want another one doing which we totally can't afford! xxx

I went to a scan privately and cost me just to see the babys back. The piccies were bad! Don't get upset you will see the real thing in the flesh soon and that is so much better than scan. Your emotions are running high and it's a new experience so give your self a break. I got emotionally the other day as i was unable to Hoover that day until the following day and it felt like my whole world crashing w lol! Remember with the present to your mum it's about the thought and effort of getting a present that counts. :)

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I need to shave along my scar or they will do it in theatre -as if the whole naked getting an ice cube run up you to check freezing isn't bad enough! I'm always adamant I will have it done myself beforehand. However, I've managed the legs tonight but my scar seems tucked right under bump so shall maybe leave it till I'm either in labour or heading for a section then attempt it.

My 3 yr old keeps wanting lifted at the moment or else throws himself to the floor when we need to leave tots etc. Lifting is...a challenge!

Mama-bear x

Is it something you can ask your partner or go to saloon for help if your comfortable doing that?

Funny how toddlers are exceptionally good with timing at the most awkward moment!

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No I have issues with people near me/naked that kind if thing. I've been with my OH nearly 7 years and only recently did he get near me during a bout of food poisoning. Simply cause he thought something was seriously wrong with baby and I was being too ill to care.
I may struggle but I'm stubborn and shall manage myself, lol.
Lying on my bed here, knackered after my bath. Seems silly to be so tired after not doing much.

Mama-bear x

I totally understand and top identify. X

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I went to a scan privately and cost me just to see the babys back. The piccies were bad! Don't get upset you will see the real thing in the flesh soon and that is so much better than scan. Your emotions are running high and it's a new experience so give your self a break. I got emotionally the other day as i was unable to Hoover that day until the following day and it felt like my whole world crashing w lol! Remember with the present to your mum it's about the thought and effort of getting a present that counts. :) Sent from my GT-S5830 using mobile app

Ah bless you, that sounds exactly like something I'd do! I cried over losing a board game last week, how embarrassing. I'm not five FFS!

The more I look at the picture the more I think that maybe it's not so bad? You can just about see his face and I guess that's better than nothing. It's just hard though cos all you ever hear is how wonderful the 3d/4d scans are and how amazing it all is so when you have a different experience it feels kinda weird. Other than the fact that at least we got to see him again it was a complete waste of money. I'm sorry yours was disappointing too :(

The rest of today was a bit better at least, although my feet are huge now! Took my trainers off at mums and struggled to get them back on. Feet and and ankles now covered in peppermint foot lotion and propped up with pillows. Is it normal to bloat up this early? I assumed I'd get it later on but not yet. My wrists and hands are massive too! Only upside is that my wedding ring which was too big due to weight loss now fits again! Has been a nice day though once the upset was over, had a massive tea, fake sparkling wine and cake and lots of pressies. Been made a right fuss of this year! Also received a box of baby stuff (shampoo and bubble bath, baby wipes, cotton wool, sleep suits, blankets etc) from my great aunt and cousin which was so lovely of them <3 We have so much baby bath stuff now!

In other news, the iron tablets are definitely having an effect and that's all I'm saying on that subject lol ;)

Oh and after being all quiet for the scan this morning, my naughty little boy hasn't stopped wriggling all day! Typical ;) x
Morning Everyone! Welcome back Missy! I've also not been around much - I have had so much going on! I'm 29 + 4 today! Have fortnightly monitoring and scans due to various anti bodies in my blood! Also found out I have GD last week - hopefully I can control via diet though! Went to my first anti natal class this week and had 4d scan last night - wow what an amazing experience! We have also had builders in and work has been manic but will finish in 6 weeks eek! Hoping to have a relaxing weekend apart from a spot of aqua natal! Hope you are all doing well! K x

Good to hear from you again, my nearly due date twin! Glad your 4d scan went better than mine too - mine was really disappointing but sounds like yours was just like it should be :) Sorry to hear about the GD but sounds like you are well on it with keeping it under control. I had a GTT on thurs so crossing my fingers that I don't have it too but we'll see...

Hope you're having a good weekend xxx
Dougal we were convinced we were having a boy and turned out we were right :)
Dougal we were convinced we were having a boy and turned out we were right :)

Looks like we all knew then! Instinct is a powerful thing, that's for sure :) x
In that case then, I'm having a girl :)

I have a feeling I'll give in at the 20 week scan and find out- I doubt I can wait until full term to know if I'm right lol
We're team yellow but I've always thought this was a girl. Staying open minded as I do have moments where I think it could be a boy.
We're team yellow but I've always thought this was a girl. Staying open minded as I do have moments where I think it could be a boy.

As much as I'd live to keep the surprise, PART, small part but still a part if finding out is the lack of neutral bits available in the shops. Clothes wise... Although I guess u don't need much... Soon as u kno ya'll get pressure in that colour n can get buying then I suppose
Before I got PG I said I wanted to know. Hubby said he didn't but would leave decision up to me!
Last few weeks I've been more on hubby's way of thinking- why do we need to know??

But now, I'm thinking I wanna know... Still got 13 weeks to make up my mind...
Before I got PG I said I wanted to know. Hubby said he didn't but would leave decision up to me!
Last few weeks I've been more on hubby's way of thinking- why do we need to know??

But now, I'm thinking I wanna know... Still got 13 weeks to make up my mind...

My OH said he'd like to find out from the start. But like urs, he'd leave the decision to me.
I guess we've gotten this far not knowing. N now with Christmas n all coming up (sorry for mentioning the C word lol) the time will go a bit quicker... Maybe we won't find out. We'll see. 2 weeks n a day to change our minds
We were talking about a 3d scan last night and as much as I want to it's added temptation to find out the sex. I've never had a surprise before and it would be nice. Having said this I do think its a girl which removes the surprise element unless of course it pops out with jingly janglies lol.

I swear I have bonded more knowing mine was a boy (just hope they got it right!! Lol) and have been able to buy in sales boy clothes for 12-18 months etc. I'm going to be one of those loons that are at Next Boxing Day sale for 4am just to get some cheap bits for the baby - and of course me too!! I'm hoping to be out of my maternity clothes by then and so will have been loving in the 'normal' clothes I stretched in early pregnancy!! Lol x
My sister had a baby last week. Found out what she was having so was all set with lotsa pink... Turns out she needed blue

Lol - do u know how she is coping with that? (I know yr not v close) cos if mine came out a girl I think I would struggle now :-( I've even been planning football clubs and stuff for in a few years!! Lol I know girls can play football but would have her more as a dancer and horse riding!! Lol xx
Lol - do u know how she is coping with that? (I know yr not v close) cos if mine came out a girl I think I would struggle now :-( I've even been planning football clubs and stuff for in a few years!! Lol I know girls can play football but would have her more as a dancer and horse riding!! Lol xx

No idea sorry hun. Only hearing bits thru other ppl n hav asked them to stop updating me...
But she had the same happen with her daughter 16 years ago. We were expecting first grand baby to be a boy...
I think we'd be ok with it if we had a girl now, we're not into the while gender divide thing and I have no expectations about what he'll want to do or be interested in as he grows up, that's up to him. Me being a massive tomboy all my life has something to do with that though! I grew up loving football and computer games and whilst I don't follow football anymore I'm still a big gamer. Plus everything we have bought is suitable for boys and girls, even though we know it's a boy as we don't like a lot of the more traditional baby clothes and colours. It would be strange having a daughter when I've been talking to my son all this time but I would think I'll get over that ;)

And yes, I would totally put a girl in the transformers babygro that we've been bought - girls can love robots too!

We have some traditional baby boy stuff (powder blue, ick!) but only what we've been bought by other people and I don't want to put him in check shirts and stuff, don't want him to look like a mini man who's off clubbing when he's still only a baby! So we are going as unisex as we can to start with at least.

My cousin was also told wrong - was expecting a girl and ended up with her lovely son who's 15 now. She was fine with it, she didn't have her heart set on having either sex so it wasn't really an issue.

The sonographer at my 20 week scan did say that it's easier to mistake a boy for a girl than the other way round though so if they say it's a boy it probably is. :) x