My first mw appointment went ok. Walked in to have her say "ohh I recognise ur face" I smiled! It's the same midwife I had through pregnancy with my son!
Nothing was said about my weight and I cam carry on sw if I want. I don't have an estimated date as I haven't had a period cuz of comin off pill. But roughly 15th jan (6 days before my sons birthday!)
Go bk in four weeks and then will be booked for scan.
Sooo I'm 4 weeks 1 day and my baby is the size of a poppy seed!
Already this pregnancy feels totaly different!
Was worried as was almost marked as high risk due to forcep delivery with son. But after speaking with midwife my birthstory I am low risk!!!
My son said today... Mommy I want u to have 2 babies in ur tummy a boy and girl! Hope to dear god it's not a sign lol as I remeber before I was preg a preschooler told me a baby was in my tum n they were right haha
Start weight: 14s 7lb Current weight: 13s 10lb loss: 11lb