Pregnancy and Slimming World

Lexie_dog said:
Oh - meant to say. I ventured out today before I got crabbit and knackered and came home and discovered....

Poundland have Disney Muslin squares for, yes, £1. Poo and Tigger designs, along with bath thermometers and small 125ml bottles. Lots of Johnsons baby stuff too.

Worth getting the muslin squares in for that price as can be quite pricey elsewhere.

Also Babies R us, (in Toys R Us) have the Johnsons purple baby box for £14.99 instead of £25.99 you see it in Asda, might be worth having a look to see if the deals going in your area.

Excuse my ignorance, but what are muslin cloths used for?
Everything, burping cloths, putting under baby when sleeping to protect sheets, mop up cloths if you spill anything, a cover for you when breast feeding, a cover for the pram to stop dust/sun getting through but still let air through. Use instead of bibs..

Have a wee look here

Why do I need muslin squares? - Pregnancy Club Forum
Hey everyone,

thought it might be nice to share our bump pics as I love seeing them, what do you think?

I have just posted mine at 21 weeks (I am now 23 weeks) in my food diary :)
No bump here either, just chub.

Will start keeping a wee photo diary by the weeks though, out of interest, starting form 12 weeks. Which is tomorrow!:eek:
12 weeks is a good time to start, just so that right at the end you can look back at how far youv come!

im in maternity trousers officially today. shamful! however i lost 2lbs at fatclub, so im certain its just bloat, tender tummy and an evil baby LOL

I started wearing a larger size a few weeks back, and have now switched to confy stretchy stuff because still bloating at night.

So seamfree size 18-20 knickers, which should see me through most of mt pregnancy if not all, as they really stretch.

Have bought some velour tracksuit bottoms, again stretchy, and some bigger sized tops 18- 20 from Primark in a long length so they will cover bump for a while.

Also kept a pair of comfy size 16 jeans out, as I bought an extra vest top in Primark, and will make my own maternity jeans later, maybe this week. That way I've recycled a pair of jeans and for £3 made the belly band on them. I just can't afford £30+ for one pair of breeks, as now out of work having newly qualified and still have to buy pram etc.
Lexie_dog said:
I started wearing a larger size a few weeks back, and have now switched to confy stretchy stuff because still bloating at night.

So seamfree size 18-20 knickers, which should see me through most of mt pregnancy if not all, as they really stretch.

Have bought some velour tracksuit bottoms, again stretchy, and some bigger sized tops 18- 20 from Primark in a long length so they will cover bump for a while.

Also kept a pair of comfy size 16 jeans out, as I bought an extra vest top in Primark, and will make my own maternity jeans later, maybe this week. That way I've recycled a pair of jeans and for £3 made the belly band on them. I just can't afford £30+ for one pair of breeks, as now out of work having newly qualified and still have to buy pram etc.

How do u make ur own maternity jeans? X
I've got loads of clothes off ebay, always find i'm a funny size in regular clothes but all the maternity stuff i've got has fit me fine.

I just won't pay that kinda money for stuff that won't fit me in a few months. Also Asda, Matalan and new look are quite good for reasonable priced clothes

My litle cousin uses muslin cloths as a comforter. He doesn't hold on to it all the time, just when he wants to go to sleep that he'll pick it up and it's a signal for everyone else. He has 15, you can imagine they need changing very regularly!

haha read too quickly and though you said he was 15!!! :eek:
How do u make ur own maternity jeans? X

Basically you cut off the waistband, remove the zip, sew the zip band shut and then sew a vest top across the old waistband place. So you get a comfy pair of jeans round the bum and legs, but a huge stretchy waistband you can roll up or down. Not attempted it yet but I'll give it a go this week.

I would suggest charity shop/old jeans you can sacrifice before starting on a good pair.

I'm planning on using this method although there are more tutorials available on the internet.

YouTube - make your own maternity jeans
Oh Fern! So sorry to hear about your sickness :( it is morning sickness and could go on for a few months I'm afraid... I never threw up but OMG the persistent nausea was unbearable. Things that really helped me were ice cold water and fresh chopped pineapples. Godd luck hun, rest easy!
Oh Fern :(

Try to eat little and often, its really important you keep hydrated too. I know I'm probably telling you stuff you already know. Sorry :(

If you start to show any symptoms of dehydration contact your GP/NHS 24 as you may need some IV fluids again.

Eat anything that you can keep down, drink anything you can keep down.

Do you have any ginger tea? Ginger root that you could boil with some water at all to try and take the edge off?

Hugs Xx
Butting in, in case Fern doesnt get back to you

We've got tickers at the bottom of our posts

Fern is 8w+1d
I'm 12w+1d

How far on are you Nelly?