Pregnancy - trying not to gain anymore!

Well done that's amazing!!! How many days after labour did you weigh?? I weighed 9days after at my group and lost 2st I did have time to reduce swelling etc as my legs and feet were so fat from swelling it was crazy!! Xx Sent from my HTC One X using MiniMins

Can't really take any credit cos I haven't done anything other than have my baby lol. Exactly a wk today xx
Yeh but it's still a achievement ;) it could of been less! X

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Weighed again today, 1st 12lb gone, 1st 12lb away from pre preg weight! I can defo cope with that seeing as tho I ate for England for 9 months! Xx
My little princess


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Right I'm ready to start this diet. I asked my leader a few wk back how long I have to wait to join weight watchers n she said 6 wk!! I asked her again today n said I am ready, not breast feeding ect n feel right in myself so shall see what she says. I did tell a porky n said my midwife said it was ok lol! weighed today at 12st 6 so I gain of 1st 11lb. Would ideally want to be back at 10st then at some point reach my ultimate goal of 9 st 7. Altho I do feel ok at 10 so I will see once I get there. Xx
Right I'm ready to start this diet. I asked my leader a few wk back how long I have to wait to join weight watchers n she said 6 wk!! I asked her again today n said I am ready, not breast feeding ect n feel right in myself so shall see what she says. I did tell a porky n said my midwife said it was ok lol! weighed today at 12st 6 so I gain of 1st 11lb. Would ideally want to be back at 10st then at some point reach my ultimate goal of 9 st 7. Altho I do feel ok at 10 so I will see once I get there. Xx
I did the same with SW- rejoined at 4 weeks but told my consultant my MW had said it was oklol I hadn't even asked her! Hope you get on ok, it's hard with a little one xx
I did the same with SW- rejoined at 4 weeks but told my consultant my MW had said it was oklol I hadn't even asked her! Hope you get on ok, it's hard with a little one xx

Well she's got back to me and says it's ok to go back so I'm joining back wed. It is definitely hard planning and making meals with a baby, especially when she is only going 2 hrs between feeds and sometimes waking after a hr for some more. Roll on when she's lasting 4 hrs lol xx
Well she's got back to me and says it's ok to go back so I'm joining back wed. It is definitely hard planning and making meals with a baby, especially when she is only going 2 hrs between feeds and sometimes waking after a hr for some more. Roll on when she's lasting 4 hrs lol xx
I remember that well!
Oliver is now 7 weeks and goes 4 hours (sometimes longer!) between feeds and he's been like that since 5 weeks old!
Prepping meals whilst he's napping is the key to staying on track - as they say 'nap time is mum's most productive time'!
I remember that well! Oliver is now 7 weeks and goes 4 hours (sometimes longer!) between feeds and he's been like that since 5 weeks old! Prepping meals whilst he's napping is the key to staying on track - as they say 'nap time is mum's most productive time'!

So I've got at least another 3 wk :-0 lol. Yeh I do try n get things done when she is sleeping, altho it's not always a great deal. I'm so looking forward to 4 hrs solid sleep xx
Joined up to weight watchers meeting this morning. Was bit hectic trying to get baby ready n timing feeds around being there for 10!

So first weigh in 12st 4.5 eeeekk!! so thats a gain of 1st 10.5 pre pregnancy. my first goal is to get to 11st. Xx
You will soon get there Hun , well done for making the meeting I know too well how much of a fa fit can be getting out of the house on time with a newborn baby! Are you breast feeding or bottle feeding? X
You will soon get there Hun , well done for making the meeting I know too well how much of a fa fit can be getting out of the house on time with a newborn baby! Are you breast feeding or bottle feeding? X

Thanks Hun, yeh it was a bit of a faff. Think she maybe going through a growth spurt cos she's been wanting feeding every hr or so. I'm bottle feeding xx
Subscribing :D

Im 14 weeks pregnant and when I got weighed at my first scan I had put on a stone already! Not surprised because I'd been off plan anyway and after I found out I was pregnant I just pigged out ridiculously. I wasn't even eating healthily a lot of it was convenience crap which is no good for baby...

Since last Monday I've started back on SW (doing it from home) and eating so much more healthily. Feel a lot better and totally focussed. Have started keeping a food diary in the SW section too to keep me on track!
Subscribing :D Im 14 weeks pregnant and when I got weighed at my first scan I had put on a stone already! Not surprised because I'd been off plan anyway and after I found out I was pregnant I just pigged out ridiculously. I wasn't even eating healthily a lot of it was convenience crap which is no good for baby... Since last Monday I've started back on SW (doing it from home) and eating so much more healthily. Feel a lot better and totally focussed. Have started keeping a food diary in the SW section too to keep me on track!

Congratulations x
Subscribing :D Im 14 weeks pregnant and when I got weighed at my first scan I had put on a stone already! Not surprised because I'd been off plan anyway and after I found out I was pregnant I just pigged out ridiculously. I wasn't even eating healthily a lot of it was convenience crap which is no good for baby... Since last Monday I've started back on SW (doing it from home) and eating so much more healthily. Feel a lot better and totally focussed. Have started keeping a food diary in the SW section too to keep me on track!

Congratulations Hun, I wish I had ate healthier during pregnancy but the devil on my shoulder won! I think I might have joined weight watchers a bit too soon, due to the broken sleep every night n trying to juggle everything in between feeds ( she only goes 2 hrs max) it's hard to plan meals or even stick to plan. Just end up having choc ect due to lack of energy xx
Hope your doing ok hun xx
Hope your doing ok hun xx

Hey Hun, yeh I'm good thanks. Not really stuck with weight watchers lol. started back doing calorie counting yesterday, think yesterday was the first day in ages I have stuck to anything and I feel better for it. Spurred me on to stay on track now. My little lady has had a bit of colic so I'm hoping that passes soon xx