Pregnant and Over Weight... My weight lose journey..xx

Not long left now. Are you counting down the days?

I cnt wait lol! I have been really busy last week and this week. Lucas has had shows at school and today its a teddy bears picnic tomorrow is hos sports day ect so keepin myself busy!!
I jus want her here now!

Lucas has made a list of things he wants 2 do this summer. Includes football with daddy in the park swimmin the zoo.. so we are goin to try take him to the zoo 2nd week in the holidays so that we all do something together then the week after me n lucas are goin 2 go t the cinema to see planes!! B nice 2 do something jus us 2 before Emily arrives.
Im startin to feel aload of guilt towards lucas his had me 2 himself for so long I jus hope he understands I love him SO much and nothing will change that. we normally go on holiday in the summer holidays so I want him to b occupied and stuff to do this summer!

Lucas was an elephant on friday...he was sooo nervous at first but he did his elephant damcing amazin!!!

Xx xx

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How hot is it??!!!
Omg last night I jus couldnt sleep.
Urgh not long 2 go now.
Lucas has his last day in nursery today!! Growin up soo fast. Gpt his teachers so cupcakes which im really pleased with xxx

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How many days now!
Photos look great.

How are you coping with the heat? It's boiling. Little one kicking away in there?
Huya.. went to my scan n hisoital app yesterday. I am booked in for a csection on 11th august so not long now at all. Excited I no the date ect now
Jus a waitin game now xxx
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Now dnt get me wrong I love hot weather but it cud do with coolin dwn a bit now!!!lucas last night couldnt settle even with a fan on and I am shattered. His goin out later with the inlaws so I can jus try and get some sleep!!
17 days now until lil missy is here! !! I cnt wait now for cuddles. I also cannot wait to get some of this weight off I am carryin sooo much weight round my bum its awful!! I can feel the weight i have put on and im not happy seein as tho I had lost 3 stone on ww last yr im.gutted!!!

I will b goin bk2 ww I think. Ww for me is better with measuring everything reducing my portions ect I no sometimes the point counting is a bit of a chore but I really enjoy it so I cannot wait to get to a meetin in september!!
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Hi ladies.
Well this time next week I sud have my baby girl in my arms eeekkkk

got my last midwife appointment tomorrow. This weeks goin 2 drag.....

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Hi ladies. Well this time next week I sud have my baby girl in my arms eeekkkk got my last midwife appointment tomorrow. This weeks goin 2 drag..... Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app
So exciting!!! X
I had 2 ring the hospital yesterday had a lil scare as the pain on the bottom of my bk was actually terrible but the hospital said with ur second u feel babies head becoming engaged before labour where u dnt normally feel this with ur first! Put my mind at rest a bit!! I have until monday to wait!
Its carl last day at work today for a MONTH!!!!! im grateful as wen we had lucas he only had a week off but we will end up killin each other haha!!!

Im gettin really restless now tho and I no monday I sud have her in my arms but im jus all fed up!! I jave a party this weekend as well one of lucas friends urgh I really dnt want to go its on sunday the day I go in! Were not stayin the whole 2 hours tho I have stuff 2 do! Sounds silly I am so worrried about lucas so I want 1 make sure he has enough clothes ironed and away and beddin incase any accidents I want 2 make sure some foods in so him and carl arent livin off ktc or mcdonalds!

Today I am goin 2 sort through lucas toys he has SO many that some are off in bin some can go to thw charity shop!

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Emily grace wild born on 11th august 10.34am weighin 7lb 1oz xxxi

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Thanks everyone.
Emily is amazin, I had a csection Monday morning. By 9oclock I was sat out of my bed. Tuesday mornin I was walkin about.
I lost a fair bit of blood but I was allowed home tuesday evening.
Lucas is fab with emily he is besotted with her. He is always sat by her wanting to hold her ect. Its so adorable to see..

She is being bottle feed and she is feedin every 3 hours 2.5 / 3oz so she is really doin well!

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She's gorgeous!!

Congratulations? You settled at home and getting into a good routine?

Bet your so happy!!
She's gorgeous!!

Congratulations? You settled at home and getting into a good routine?

Bet your so happy!!

Yeh I am sooooobhappy. Yeh we are shes goin every 3 something 4 hours between feeds so yeh i couldnt b happier xxx

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My sleeping beauty xx
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