Pregnant and Over Weight... My weight lose journey..xx

My baby shower on saturday :) carls takin lucas out for a bit. Lookin forward to it. My mil is comin....I dnt no why she wont speak t anyone (she doesnt speak to my family I think SHE thinks shes better than them..she isnt!) But itll b fun!!
Babies room almost done im goin t gloss the door this mornin while lucas is at school. Coz this houae is old the walls are jus ruined!! We have out backin paper up and painted that. The one wallpapered wall will b done to pick a carpet this afternoon when carl gets up!
Slowly getting there..9 weeks on monday to go...eeekkkkk

im startin to get excited n nervous!! I have done it before but I feel I have forgotten everything how t feed how to get babies dressed and I worry coz the first time ill b alone is wen carl goes bk on nights eeekkk!!!!! I remember wen lucas wouldnt settled everynight at like 1/2 in mornin I wud watch londons burnin lol!!! I jus feel I need t b more organised on a mornin im so lied bk but I cnt b coz lucas will b starton full time school in september so I have t male sure were all ready on time:eek: I cam do it...eeekkk


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You sound like you've been busy :)
Enjoy the baby shower!!! Hope your little girl gets spoilt :)
Lucas second swimmin lesson today he did fab!!!! Sooo much better than last week so proud of him!! Im bloody knackered tho now lol!!! Abd we ran for the bus well I kinda did I sent lucas haha!!
Operation clean now before baby shower xxxx
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Happy monday everyone :)

I am 30 weeks today I have 9 weeks left until lil miss is here. Because I am hav9n a csection she is comin a week before my due date sooo on the 11th august she will b here (should be!)

My baby shower was lovely. We paid some great games and ate cake ha! Emilys a very lucky girl she got some gawjus clothes and got loadsnof nappiea ect as well which is such a bit help!!


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Im not sleep = a very grumpy Sammie!!! The last two night until at least twenty past twelve I am wide awake I hus cannot get comfy in bed.. I wanna blame Carls snoring but the poor bloke hasnt even been that bad!!!
Im on go slow lucas had t drag me t school this mornin jus gone n got some diet coke from the shop hopin that will give me a morning boost ha!
Emilys carpet is bein fitted this afternoon..
Her furniture is comin friday! So im goin t get some stuff washed today and dried at tye weekend get it all put away!!

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Emilys carpet was done yesterday. Cnt wait t get the furniture jus sick of my landing lookin like a sh*t hole!!
I have washed most of her clothes, I took the cover off the moses basket and thats all washed. Jus need a matress for moses basket and cot and we are nearly there!! 8 weeks monday and lil miss will b here!!

Last few days I have noticed im not eatin as much especiallt nor as much veg/fruit as I sud b. I have jus lost any interest in them and im jus off food im more than happy woth a sandwich for my tea on a night!!
Lucas has a terrible cough and wen he has a cough his always sick :confused: so today ive cleaned sick a number of times I feel drained!!

On the plus side the weather is BEAUTIFUL!!!

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Room looks lovely - can't wait to see it with the furniture in as well
Babies room sooo sorry about the mess jus wanted to show the warerobes. Its a bit of a mess jus goin through all the bags and puttin things away all clothes have been washed. Got all bedding to wash and iron this week. In the gap is where the cot will go

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Hiya :p
We took lucas to Cannon Hall Farm yesterday we had never been before and was really good. Lucas loved it!!!
Been a bit teary today gettin nervous and scared 8weeks tomorrow she will be here!


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Room looks lovely and will be even nicer when baby girl is in it. xx
Hi everyone
I had a midwife appointment yesterday im measuring at 33 not 31 like I am! Lucas always measured bigger he was 9lb 2oz so looks as tho lil miss night b as big!

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The room looks lovely and girly :)
I'd love to see the finished results when your done.
Hi's some more of babies room...
On thursday carls bk at work and lucas is on a school trip ALL day so im goin to make the moses basket up and make her cot up!!
I have clothes out for my bag so im goin to start packin that thursday as well I think I am takin far too many baby clothes but too many is bettr I suppose!!

7 weeks to go now so rather exciting!
We had a really naughty tea today..lucas is SO excited to watch the england match n we cooked pizzas onion rings garlic bread wedges omg loads was amazin tho!!


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The room looks amazing.
How have you been?

I'm almost 32 weeks and I'm exhausted. How long now until you go in?
The room looks amazing.
How have you been?

I'm almost 32 weeks and I'm exhausted. How long now until you go in?

Hi hun!!

I have 5 weeks monday to go! I have been ok feel shattered. I have also been gettin terrible headaches. Been t doctors and my bp is low. So havin t drink lemonade and salt!!! Also rest easier said than done with lucas about lol!!

Eeeekkk u havent got long at all either have u!!
How u feelin?
Im starting to feel a tad scared!! Jus gettin all my stuff together for my hospital bag!
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Urgh feelin really fed up.
I had such a good pregnancy with Lucas really and loved it. But this one is really takin its toll on me :(
These headaches are really takin it out of me :-(

Had a chinese last night was gawjus dnt often get them but carl really fancied one. Lucas loves rice and stuff so was nicw!!

Got all my toiletries for hospital yesterday 15pound in bodycare and that was on everything bargin


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Hi all.
Went for my growth scan yesterday lil miss is feet dwn footling I think they called it. So she is breech
My consultant said to me coz of my previous section I have the option of a section or natural birth this time. I go bk at 36 weeks for another scan to see if shes moved. If she hasnt moved I dnt have a choixe it will b an automatic section as they wont try turn her as I have had a previous section. I am wanting a section anycase so jus see wat happens in 2weeks!!

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