Well what a day

Been at the hospital since 9 i went for a wee and there was blood not loads but it worried me! I rang the.docs and they said go t A&E straight away! Tjis scared me and i burst out cryin the poor lady was very nice to me qhile i was jus sobbing! Being a worrier anyway this really shook me up! Anycase went t A&E and my bp and.heart rate was up they did a pregnancy test as well as tests for STD's

and urine infections and.everythig was fine.. They werent happy tho so i was sent t the early pregnancy unit and without doubt its the worst place i have ever been sum ppl werw happy others not!! After sobbing again to a.lovely midwife i was sat in the waiti.g room i.was taken for a scan.. Carl bless him looked so worried but then the ladt smiles n showed us bean(this is my name fpr baby!) she had t explain wjat we was lookin at as she.confirmed.im only 7 weeks 1day but wat we.did see was.a.really strong heartbeat

they said they cnt see a reason for any bleedin soy bodyy jus b tryin t have a.period but she said not.t worry and there happy.im seein my midwife tomorrow as well!! I feel utterly drained and.super hungry! Itll prob jus b a.chinese tonight n bed after eastenders so i can get my danny dyer fix! Xxxxxx Sent from my GT-S5830i using MiniMins.com mobile app