Pretty little blue Pill!!!- the fight to the end!!!!!

Thanks Hun, it is kinda just what I needed to hear,
I don't feel like an inspiration, coz out of it all I. Have only just lost 2.5 stone, it was up to almost 6 stone, and I am kicking myself that I have let things go. But I really do need to read over my diary and find my mojo again..

2.5 stone is still an amazing loss though Hun, and loom how you are still here battling away.. Well done on throwing the cookies away x x
Thanks ladies. I can do this and i will. IM not setting any goals for a while, just to lose most weeks. I don't want to say every week because then i will feel dis heartened when the scales go up.

i don't think im going to make it to a class this week to get weighed, and then i have booked 2 weeks off as the family i work for are away so i get 2 weeks off, hubby is having the first week off with me so im sure we will do something nice.
Come on, lady, you know you can do this, just need to get that head in the right place. Well done on the cookies though, some foods are really shocking! (M&S fruit pastilles, 175 cals for FIVE of them!) You have inspired so many of us over the months (and years in my case!) hopefully we can do the same for you. Chin up, keep plodding along and you WILL get there xx
Your diary will help you find your mojo I'm sure. Your diary finds my mojo!! :) chin up chook. Sending positive vibes your way...;-)
Hello lovely lady - just doing the rounds and thought I'd pop in and send some positivity your way! As I've just said on KB's diary, I virtually stalk this place but rarely post these days as I'm always on my phone.
As the others have said, your loss is still a great loss no matter how much you may have regained. I'm sure statistics show that most dieters who fall off the wagon put on all their original weight and more besides...and you are nowhere close to doing that! Nor are you burying your head in the sand and pretending it isn't happening (I have done this literally dozens of times, resulting in spectacular gains).
I think the worst thing you can do is to keep comparing your current weight to lighter weights you've been in the past. We're all guilty of doing it, but it really gives your current efforts a negative edge (I used to think yes, it's great that I've lost 3lbs this week, but I'm still 3st away from my lightest :()
It's great to have a goal and an incentive to work towards, but try to keep yourself focussed on the present and the future - after all, that's the only thing we can change!
Hope your day's been alright Kes - I feel your pain when it comes to cookies, I absolutely love shop-baked squidgy cookies but their calories are just unbelievable!
Take care hun
Well i dunno about,today... Its going a little wrong.. Not food wise, but the plans of the day. The family i work for, the mum is working from home today, so i had made plans to be out all day. But those plans have not gone,according to what i had hoped. The playdate cancelled, it has started to rain so play in the park isn't going to happen, i forgot the rain cover for my buggy and ive tried,all i know for play dates but no one can make it. Ehhhhhh i just want to cry.
And i have a wierd lady staring at the little one i,look after.
Well so far so good food wise. Im not going to give into over eating. And i have my stack of fruit,here in the car if i want it.

i am going to take the tablets from tomorrow. (wanted to let out any fat, that might have been in there from cookies yesterday. And hopefully it will allow me to stick with it
Well things are going ok

Scales this morning are:

Wednesday 3rd July- 13 stone 11.6lbs.

I am working tonight so won't be able to go to weigh in, I was going to go to another group on Thursday night, but I think I am just going to give it a miss. I don't know if I can handle another gain on the scales from last weekends binge eating.
So I am just going to use the next 2 weeks I've booked off to get back on track and see if I can go back with a big loss. Soooo fingers crossed.
Well ive started reading my mini diary from,the start... And in up to page 16 of 218 lol.

and from the short part i have read i am going to start like i did all those moons ago!!

i have been doing it now for a,couple of days... But i am also going to post my food and drink like i used to. To help me keep on track.

so i will start today as in sure you don't need to read loads of days worth of food in one hit.

Thursday 4th July- 13 stone 9.8lbs

its a very nice feeling to be well away from the 14 stone mark.

in going back to the slim fast way.
3 x 100 cal snacks
2 x shakes (i have a few packets of cd left so will use up those too)
and 1x 600cal,meal.
this works to about 1200 cals. And if i have my boss about i will have something that is no more calorie wise than a shake. Because i really don't want to deal,with what they say about my replacing meals.

right off,to go shower, physio, leisure centre job and then my nanny job.. Ehhhh busy day

chat later my lovely's
Sounds a good plan :) you know it worked for you in the past.. I know you will do great!

The aloe Vera detox plan days 3-9 do something similar but .. With added aloe vera lol and garcinia plus chromium tablets 3x day - so no snacks ;) just water and bee pollen.
Sounds a good plan :) you know it worked for you in the past.. I know you will do great!

The aloe Vera detox plan days 3-9 do something similar but .. With added aloe vera lol and garcinia plus chromium tablets 3x day - so no snacks ;) just water and bee pollen.
i am allergic to aloe vera so wont be going near that one lol....
i do feel quite focussed, however i don't feel so great when the mum is around..... So today has been pretty bad...

Good luck!! Sounds like your head is there!! Go go go!! :) x
thanks :)

Sounds like a good idea. I keep thinking of going back and reading through my first diary.

definately do it. Its inspired me to just go back to my motivation i started with. Yes i had down days and yes i had days that were just horrendous but i got through it and i lost a fair chunk of weight...
Sounds very much like a good plan Hun an you sound in the right place to do it. X

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