didnt post food for yesterday.... Hmmm
breakfast: strawberry shake
snack: small bowl (one ot the kids little snack bowls) of cheerios, clusters and raisins.. Like this as i can just pick as i walk past!!!
Lunch: chocolate shake
snack 1/2 a bluberry muller rice... Wasnt keen on it
dinner: spag bol with lean mince and small amount of 1/2 fat cheese
drink: 2-3litres
exercise: about 10 mins on the wii for TBL challenge and weigh in.. ( back is still sore !!! Gggggrrrrr)
according to the wii, ive lost 4lb since last friday, but some how think thats a little wrong!!!!
Today has been busy but good on the food front!!
Breakfast: chocolate shake
snack: pack of caramel snack a jacks!! Yum!!!
Lunch: chocolate shake
snack: 8 cherry tomatoes and 3 slices of tesco light dry cured ham... Lovely picking snack again!!!
Dinner.. Seafood pad thai with singapore noodles!! Yummo!!!
Pudding: ww chocolate mousse..
Drink close to if not over 2 litres ( have not been writing things down so losing count)
exercise: 2 hours 45 mins cleaning at work. Just didnt have time to get in any other workouts

We are test driving a car tomorrow so looking forward to this!!
Hope everyone is well