Summer chick you maybe pleasantly suprised

it might be sooner then you think

I just love the control it gives of not having to think about food from monday onwards when i go to work will leave all forms of money home so even if im tempted to buy food i cant haha.
And before i head out to work will keep tetras so be much easier to have that shake as soon a i get through the door and some water to keep appetite at bay.
Thats the plan of action anyway

Today is day 2 omg i am a serial weigher and i know you shouldnt as u dont lose everyday but i feel like it helps me stay ok track just gettings glimpse now these two days of being in sheffield and no scales is slowly killing me haha will be standing on them monday after three days of being on plan just to get a glimse lol to see if anything is happening haha.
I spent most of the night bludy runnning to the bathroom for a wee hahaha but yeah plan of action is to have two shakes and a veg soup with the family see if that works as dont want to be seen not having anything with the family.
Yesterday parents wwre out till late so had my third shake turned into a thick paste without them and it felt nice n yummy and solid lol instead of just drinking it while my sister looked on in disgust haha. In fact we were reminsing how like think it was nearly three years ago at one of my old jobs think wason slim an dsvae back then i used to ring up sisters after work n ask them to have the kettle boiled to add to my shakes back then haha.
Wow some things never change lol. Iv told my sister to lose what little weight she has gained now as she does not want to be where i am now. She isnt big she is a 12 but she used to b a 8 and can tel it gets her down sometimes. Yesterday sister wantrd chinese :/ but didnt give in.
But yeah will see how the soup goes lol i only got soup to have it with thr family n the bf but the rest of the days wich is all week apart from
Wednesdays and every other weekeds and saturdays it will be shakes i need to keep it as simple and as basic as possible to try and boost up results.
My earlier weight loss wich is shown further hp this page was with 4/3 that was with food n three 500 cal days im hoping now as im mainly having fluids for a good 12 weeks hoping it will be quicker and my body shrinking more quicker as there wil be no solids going in there judt mainly fluids.
Sorry for going on about but if i put it in here it helps keep reminding me to stay on plan and not deviate hardlt seen the bf during ramadan so its the same principle and its only for 12 weeks i can do this i have to as i feel dead uncomfortable in clothes and cant feel like can go out anywhere i just feel like i look like a bal with no shape left tho in my smaller pictures think they on page 2 or 3 i had curves and body was in bit more proportion n what not but right now i just feel like a oompa loompa its terrible lol here is another picture where i went out for cuzins 18th and believe me that picture brought me to reality i look like a orange ball .
I have said to myself if i manage to drop one or two sizes then i will wear a dress the next time i go out i miss wearing dresses see blue pic and black pic back in the days

n the rest lol.
I miss those days when the dresses used to be so small lol had nice dd boobs was a size byt could squeeze into the odd 8 if they were stretchy enough still hadbit of a bum too lol.
This should be me in my prime im 28 lol should be going on holidays feeling good about myself clothes shopping all that malarky lol before the 30 lol. Really wish had started earlier but just didnt feel int he right frame of mind and really did think that the 4/3 way was the way as it did seem to be workig for me till i bludy came down with the stupid flu on my birthdya in april n since then just found it really hard to get back imt be zone otherwise for a good 10 odd weeks or so i fasted mondays tuesdays and thursdyas and had wednesdays n the weekends off and i really didn tfeel like was deprived at al and could actually see me doing that for life as there was a nice balance and used to even on eat days try and eat within a 8 hour window so wouldnt find myself scoffing at all times of the day on eat days so there was a sense of discipline therr an di likd it. Judt a shame i fidnt shrink as much as wanted to haha with a two stone loss lol and was losing consistently most weeks.
Lets see if liquids bring on better results lol xxx