Priya CD SS journey

Thanks honey, I suppose that's true :)

I'm glad your dad understands, and I'm sure your family won't mind, considering you'll be making it up to them in a couple of months- it'll just be like having two Father's Days in one year :D

Ahh I bet you're so excited! Make sure to stay strong for Saturday so your first appointment with her goes really well :D After four days, you might not see a huge amount of progress- might be best to keep waiting, but it's up to you :)

Maybe do your best to keep reminding him that you're doing a shakes/soups only diet for now, so you can arrange an activity together that doesn't involve food, or he'll at least put the effort in to not eat much around you/encourage you to eat things that aren't on your plan :) I hope it all goes well!

You know we're all here to support you through it, I'm sure you can do it! xx
Morning guys, well last night was a success and yes your right Father's Day is today and I have no idea what the plan is by drinking plenty of water I will be checking my book of veggies and things I can eat just incase but I am going to hold off if I can. Next Friday is already booked to eat out and I've still not looked at the menu. It was so refreshing to try fizzy water with ice cubes and a slice of lemon and lime so yummy after just sticking to plain still water and tea/ coffee... big shout out to the Americano coffee for helping me stay awake, keep digestion flow and for generally topping up my water in take. As it is hit today my plan is to drink 4 litres if I can but that will be a struggle. I Didn't feel very happy about not being able to control my water intake yesterday as my cousin only had wine glasses so had to approximate which I didn't like. How's everyone doing with the weather? I've found the shakes have been lovely but does anyone think they make you more thirsty? If I can pop and go for a long walk today I will but I really don't want to in the heat of I can as obviously dehydration will not be good for the diet and lead to a migraine which so far touch wood I've had no side effects, has anyone else had any? It was lovely yesterday to have my cousin support me however I don't see her that often and my parents aren't so much and neither are my sisters but they do agree that if I'm bridesmaid in 18 months I need to sort my life out and lose weight. Priya I hope you stayed strong yesterday and didn't eat the mangos. I know it's difficult with people trying to tempt you. Aly it's good that you're calorie counting I heard there's a new diet relating to this and apparently it works wonders that might be my next step towards my ultimate goal weight eventually or when I need to maintain which unfortunately is a long way off. Good luck everyone for today. It's so lovely to hear from everyone including their struggles and triumphs to motivate and help me rather than continuously thinking of food and this diet. I can't wait for my water intake to just become the norm now and also the food instead of over thinking it but I am hoping by week 4 this will be the case. Good luck for today and keep me posted guys ✋☀️
Didnt give into the mangoes :) hun and today is day three still going strong. Thank u aly yeah think mum n dad know iv got fed up mums sly comments about my weight gain and also that i dont feel comfortable in my own skin anymore.

Making a start on my first shake and makingn a start on my first 1.25 water bottle now :) bring it on x
See attached pix ❤️


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See pictures yum vanilla is so nice x
My life is such a rollercoaster woke up with positive vibes to now be crushed! Already been had a massive dig as to why I can't have normal porridge etc. Then went to go get my father Day card and write on it and it's Not even 12 o clock and the days been ruined yet again! Thanks to my sisters! I went to buy a Father's Day card yesterday and one of my sisters had rang to say she'd forgotten so I bought two which I know sounds silly but put a lot of thought into choosing the card. Anyway when I grabbed my water I realised that both cards had been written on and my dad was opening so I thought oh my sisters written on mine or my other sister had bought the same card etc no my other sister had forgotten and taken my one ( I have two) so my mum said don't worry I have a grandad card to give him ( he's not even a grandad) not even the point though is it when I paid for both cards with the money I earn to be taken and then it's been taken by people who are lazy and didn't even bother to get him one! I'm the only one that got him a present to which my mum broke by accident apparently and my dads like maybe u can get me something for my phone - like no I was the orgainised one I paid for it all and now it's all been destroyed! Im the one that earns like a little money and I tried and saved for that.
Sorry for the rant I feel like an absolute idiot haven't drank any water yet either and don't want to see them see me cry. QUOTE="LucyAnn29, post: 7979631, member: 145996"]My life is such a rollercoaster woke up with positive vibes to now be crushed! Already been had a massive dig as to why I can't have normal porridge etc. Then went to go get my father Day card and write on it and it's Not even 12 o clock and the days been ruined yet again! Thanks to my sisters! I went to buy a Father's Day card yesterday and one of my sisters had rang to say she'd forgotten so I bought two which I know sounds silly but put a lot of thought into choosing the card. Anyway when I grabbed my water I realised that both cards had been written on and my dad was opening so I thought oh my sisters written on mine or my other sister had bought the same card etc no my other sister had forgotten and taken my one ( I have two) so my mum said don't worry I have a grandad card to give him ( he's not even a grandad) not even the point though is it when I paid for both cards with the money I earn to be taken and then it's been taken by people who are lazy and didn't even bother to get him one! I'm the only one that got him a present to which my mum broke by accident apparently and my dads like maybe u can get me something for my phone - like no I was the orgainised one I paid for it all and now it's all been destroyed! Im the one that earns like a little money and I tried and saved for that.[/QUOTE]
Awww sending u lots hugs and love lucy ann its mad isnt it when a little thing can ruin but u dont let it ruin it and dont let them ruin it for u.

U do this for urself and u will feel better about it stand strong i felt bit bad but i just knew i had to stand up for it or else it would be another day wasted uv done so well till now u can do this hun.

No need to say sorry hun rant away its better to let it out then keep it in we r here for u xx
Awe Lucy Ann,

Felt for you reading your post, huge hugs. Rant away have a huge scream if you need it, even if in your head. Don't let it sabotage your fantastic progress. Every day is a success and the successes combined will have a fantastic result for you.

It's all about you, no one else and you give your self permission to do what YOU want ❤️❤️❤️

Your sisters have been right Heads and mean little 's. But you are the kinder one to have done all you did. Remember that xxxx

How are you getting in today? You'll be home this evening it's a glorious day. I'm popping out in an hour to get my veg flavour from my consultant. Have down a litre and a half already and will have my banana latte, mix of coffee spoon lol...

Sounds like a great plan hun im doing good thanku better then i thought lets hope it continues :) x

Done one shake so far n 1.25 litres onto my second 1.25 litee in about half nnhour n my second shake n then the third shake wil be tonight about 7ish think with the last 1.25 before i knock out x
Day three is finally over just one more litre to go then will be snuggling into bed with my kindle pheew bring on day four.

No physicaly change yet and not stoood on scales as yet mite do one snekay peak tmorow mornig jus to see if i have entered the 13s but will see.

Holding hope as when i do see my consultant wil have been on plan for 8 days.

Have explained to bf it wil be a good few wreks but will be worth it in the end he said he understands so hoping he will be ok when he does come to see me.

Hey ho see what hapens will be on day six on wednesday when i see him stil be too early to see any differneces but will see.

Reading a pretty decent thriller right about now x
Today is day four and its monday all over again took a sneak peak and was not overly impressed on the scales but no problems going to keep at it if its the last thing i do :/.

My tummy feels tiny bit flatter dont know if thats in my mind or wishfull thinking haha as its so still early on but i am praying with everythign that i have got that i will see the 13s on saturday weigh in and also some inches.

Will start my water intake from like 6am onwards give myself a good decent head start on the water before the day even starts for me.

Today think just will have shakes i am a daily weigher but thats only to help keep me on track and out of curiousity as there was one point in my life got too comfy and stopped standing on the scales n then the next thing i knew when i next stood on them whcih was a good few months down the line i had gained weight back on was mortifying.

I was so much more confidnet whne i was smaller yeah i still thought i waas big so compared to now back then was nothing was a good size ten.

The weather is so lovely right now like summer chick said in her post im hoping come week 6 or something like that will be saying i am down 20 odd pounds by then and maybe even a size down....again could be wishful thinking.

Thats the thing with any diet especially at the begiinnning always want to see results quickly sometimes forgetting the wwight didnt go on overnight tho somedays it feels like it did hhaha as iv found its much easier and quicker to gain then lose but once the first few weeks r over u know for certain then that this does work for u n u will lose regardless due to the low calories that u r on its impossible not to lose.

First weigh in reli has me nervous to be honest but i have promised myself regardless of what hapens on saturday i will keep at it as its a challenge to myself this time round that i need to do it i cant keep tellig myself today is the last day of eating junk n now that i look. Back the food usd to always be the same stuff like greggs or subways with cookies or morrisoons pasta salad bowls or barburrito nachos it never used to be diff foods and tbh me n my bf we r more the type to just stay indoors n chill in fromt of the tv its not often we actually go out to eat which doesnt bother me as im just happy to see him lol.

And also the fact that how heavy i am or the size that i am makes me uncomfortable to get changed n go out with him bad i know ;(.

Like yesteray in the sun i just felt so uncomfortable in what i was wearing eventho it was a bagyy shirt and jeans just dint feel nice in it and was sweating buckets and just felt reli uncomfortvale and could see every one wearing dresses and al sorts coz of the nice weather.

I will be taking one day at a time but will also carry on wishing time away just so that i can get smaller and lighter.

Me n my bf we not ravers or the type to go out to like posh restarsnts apart from the birthdays anniversaries etc but i am lookiin forward to when i can dress up again and not feel self conscious as i do now and judt go out for even a meal like a place like las iguanas or even nandos as sometimes its nice to dress up even a little bit.

We r comfortable with each other and just kinda like enjoys each others company at my place while watching something like tv and ordering a take away.

I want to start mkaing more stuff at home rather then just have a take away as thays alwyas the easy way.

And because i used to be on the 5/2 diet before rarely used to have ingredients stocked up at home as used to alwyss lookk forward to my fasts which used to be mondays tuesdays and thursdays so used to only make something on every other weekend. Again the food i used to make alwyas used to feel samey samey lol like fajitas or spag bol or grilled chicken and veg or pasta bake i dont know maybe in my mind im always making different things that taste nice doesnt help that im not much or a cook lol but want to make things like thai green currys or diff types of curries or lasgane meatballs etc.

So sad im 28 n can only make the basics ho hum lolz.

Will see how we get on just want this first week to so be over and want to see the 12s on the scales already haha n once there know will want the 11s to hurry up then 10 n 9 its odd as it feels like with weight we alwyas want more haha but think 9 would be good for me as then have 9-10 stone to have leeway or if i can see a glimpse of the 8 on the scales would literlly make my day haha. But see what time will bring x hope every one has a lovely day today sorry was in bit of a reflective mood and was also looking at some of my old dresses n i was thinking wow was i reli that small and curvy once upon a time blimey.

Cannot tell as yet if soups r effectig my losses or what so think next week will be just all shakes as the veg soup is bit salty and salt is known to stall my losses or slow it down so migt even just stick to shakes for the next few weeks will see what might do is for the next day or two just have shakes n then on wednesday see if there is much of a diff if there isnt a massive diff then will continue having veg soup packs on wednesdays and saturdays n the werkends i go home x

I just want to finally see some visible results n not just the odd one or two stone n the half a size down results as feel as tho thats not as effective :/.
Feel bit bad saying to bf that i cant eat he has offered to eat before coming down but its only for a few weeks n it wil be worth it i think

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Fat fingers galore this is when u know something needs to be done lol cant tell if its water retention due to the heat or what but cannot push this ring down on any other fingers apart from the finger next to the little finger on my lett hand :/ tut tut jeans fit me tiny bit nicer again not enough to make a diff but hey ho will see how it goes xx longing for the day when current clothes will start getting big on me and fingers r slim again :(


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Morning all

Sorry for the lack on comms over the weekend i have no internet at home at the mo .... or for the forseeable future GGRRR, however i have managed to stay busy and more importantly stay 100% on plan :)
I was fine during the days but found the evenings really hard over the weekend, think i would be ok if i didnt have to cook for the rest of the family ... never mind it is what it is, on the plus side my work trousers feel a bit looser today so that put a smile on my face.

Hows everyones weekend beeN, hope your all fine and still on track x
Sorry for not replying yesterday and the short comment now- I'm absolutely shattered! We went on a massive walk all around this huge park, and chasing my nephew must have burnt a lot off haha. Vivofit says I did ~13800 steps, taking off 1800 from the hike I did at midnight with my boyfriend and his brother. So all the junk I ate was cancelled out because I burned a whopping 507 calories, absolutely buzzing! Will reply to you all properly in a bit, still recovering my energy for now haha. Hope you're all doing well and sticking to plan xxx
Thanks Priya

Well done for making it through your weekend, i know how hard it can be when your family are not the most supportive, my husband is not happy im doing this diet at all, on saturday when he sat down to eat the homemade burgers chips and coleslaw i had cooked for the family and i had my soup he was trying to temp me with a chip when i refused he said "how long is this going to go on for" so i replied "12 weeks so get used to it" then left the room, my son came chasing after me and gave me a hug and told me i was doing great and to ignore moody daddy, i know he doesnt really mean it but he doesnt get why i cant just excercise more to loose the weight (he is a cycling freak) i just cant make him understand i hate excercise and will never stick to it long enough to make a difference, im doing this for my health and my son and i will not be put off x
Hi guys how's everyone's evenings gone? I'm struggling in the heat and knowing if I should up the water intake. I'm hoping the sweat from the heat will help me with weightloss but I might be overreacting. Super tired today yet it's so hot! I'm on 4 litres so far! Haven't had time for milk today so might help things speed along still finding it
Hard with shake no 3 still need to drink this. I felt better after my weigh in Friday and then the look of me in shorts sunbathing has made me realise how fat I am including my huge tyre around my waist! I can't count down Friday enough. Even though puffiness muss gone done I can now see how much excess fat I have including the cellulite which is gross in my thighs and I know I won't be wearing shorts for a long time. I'm going to have to start toning after this week. Going to drink one more pint of water before bed can drink anymore I'm going to the loo Like no tomorrow. Wish I could count my steps but I don't have a Fitbit ...I wanted to be skinnier for two weeks time when I go to this event but I don't think losing a 18 pounds in two weeks will work nor will it take me down a dress size. God I sound so negative! Haha I'm proud of what I've achieved so far nervous about my night out with work as we'll x the flavoured water has done an awesome job at keeping me motivated and not craving Diet Coke etc. Couldn't get any icepop makers yet sold out so going to order online. How's everyone's day been?
Sorry for the rant I feel like an absolute idiot haven't drank any water yet either and don't want to see them see me cry. QUOTE="LucyAnn29, post: 7979631, member: 145996"]My life is such a rollercoaster woke up with positive vibes to now be crushed! Already been had a massive dig as to why I can't have normal porridge etc. Then went to go get my father Day card and write on it and it's Not even 12 o clock and the days been ruined yet again! Thanks to my sisters! I went to buy a Father's Day card yesterday and one of my sisters had rang to say she'd forgotten so I bought two which I know sounds silly but put a lot of thought into choosing the card. Anyway when I grabbed my water I realised that both cards had been written on and my dad was opening so I thought oh my sisters written on mine or my other sister had bought the same card etc no my other sister had forgotten and taken my one ( I have two) so my mum said don't worry I have a grandad card to give him ( he's not even a grandad) not even the point though is it when I paid for both cards with the money I earn to be taken and then it's been taken by people who are lazy and didn't even bother to get him one! I'm the only one that got him a present to which my mum broke by accident apparently and my dads like maybe u can get me something for my phone - like no I was the orgainised one I paid for it all and now it's all been destroyed! Im the one that earns like a little money and I tried and saved for that.