Priya CD SS journey

Bring on day nine lets have u and water and shakes xx

Bf said he was going to bring some eid food round but i said no though felt bit bad but i cant explain it think its al in my head as i dont mind the odd cheat days on a diet as it sometimes happens to every one even the most experienced dieter but that can only happen once i start seeing differences myself and changes myself.

I am happy that iv lost 5lbs n 11 inches n hope this continues but 5lbs in mt head doesnt feel like a lot but once i see a stone n half off near the two stone goal then i may think wow im actually half way theough my journey now n well in the zone then if that happens thennso be it food that is but this early on i want to stay firmly in the zone.

My consultant said we could try to get slimmer of the year thogu i dont think wil happen least thats something to try and aim for my of course bf and sisters birthdays in september we also have diwali coming up in october and this year i reli dont wan tto have the stress of none of my blouses fitting me like last year nearlt cried coz nothing bludy fit n asian clothes r so hard to fix fitting especially if bought ready made as well.

Both sisters and bf birthday last year didnt take any pictures as felt so self conscious about my size and it was my sisters 21st tooo which felt bit bad for as i arranged her nite out and everything this year i want to be diff and want to take lots n lots of pictures x

Hiya, I know exactly what you mean it's hard to keep going sometimes when you don't look or feel differently. Think it'll be good when people notice that we've all lost weight that will be very motivating xx
Hiya, I know exactly what you mean it's hard to keep going sometimes when you don't look or feel differently. Think it'll be good when people notice that we've all lost weight that will be very motivating xx
Heyaa kab yeah it is quite sad really that i have got to the stage that i have to take food out of the equation in order for me to lose weight :( sad times i keep reflecting thinking if only started earlier or if only started when only had like a stone n half to lose etc.

Right have booked a exterminator to come out tmorow at 6.45am to try n get rid of these flies tmorow out of my kitchen im at my wits end iv tried spraying them with room spray, put honey on tin foil thinking they would stick to it, put bleach on the sink surface n down the drain but they just kepe on coming and aparanrly they breed like crazy so yeah :/ cant be having the bf round and seeing that he probz would turn round n say i told u so to keep thinhs tidy and clean and also provz stop coming round :eek: i woudlnt say im a slob so cant think where or how they come from but not ocd either.

£50 its going to cost me but dont reli have much of a choice tried another place and they said they were too busy to come out for something like that.

Fingers crossed by tuesday the little shits will be dead and no more.

:/ not impressed evne tho the guy did say it happens quite. Alot in the summer time :/ this the first time this has hapened to me so yeah not impressed and hate leaving windows open for too long in fear of spiders coming through i actually have a massive phobia about them dont knownwhy

Need to get a move on with the water intake on my second bottle now only need to fit two more in in the hope that tmorow those scales wll have finally shifted a little bit.

Urgh stupid scales lol day nine day nine day nike have to keep reminding myself about that al the time.

Iv made it to day nine when earlier last week didnt think would make it past day theee it doesnt like llot of days n will feel better whne im like on day 50 but reli reli pray i see results sooner rather then later its so hard we crave for those weight lsos comments well i do anyway as it makes me feel so much better about myself and know that this is working even tho it is extreme.

Bf is reli proud of me lets hope that proudness lasts n he doesnt get bored of me not eating hahaha coz as much as i hate to admit it that used to be one of our things.

By the way thanku for the tips on how to make the shake thicker i tried it out as was filling the bottle with water near the top which is where i waa going wrong.

First shake of the day is chocoolate after this second bottle going to try n fit in a third bottle and a 2nd shake int he hope that by 6-7ish will be on my last fourth bottle of water and third shake for the night ready to start work.

Three more weeks till i have my first of days off booked cannot wait n rlei hoping will be in a happier place by then as that will mean at that poijt another 30 days for me to hit the 8 week mark xxxx

Omg i am too scared to open a set of cuboard doors in fear of spiders being in there jeeesus christ i am actually terrified :/ this is so not good like for real :s :/

I barely eat so now cannot for the life of me remmebr what might be inside the cuboard doors fml omg omg i have so learny my lesson from now will never buy anything that i cant put int he fridge or freezer even potatoes and onions will go inside the fridge from
Now n not the bluyd pantry :/ :/ :/ x
Morning all,

Well done on your loss you have done amazing especially considering your illness and the heat, i would have been really happy with 5lbs on my first week.

Well i weighed in on Friday night and am happy to say i lost 4 3/4 pounds and 2.5 inches which i am very happy with, my CC is amazing she text me every day on my first week to help keep me on track and has text me every other day since she really is a rock

Day 17 for me now and feeling good, weekends are the hardest for me food wise but so far i have coped, that being said we have family staying with us Thursday to Sunday this week so i think i will struggle i discussed this with my CC and as we are out for meals Fri and Sat she has said i can eat meat and veg those days, truth be told im a bit scared to eat i really dont want to break the diet and i am worried eating will take me out of the zone in my head and it will seem harder after .... anyone done this ? how did you cope?

Hope you all good your all doing amazingly, love reading your posts, keep up the good work x
Hey kezza well done on ur loss hun :) omg has been a horrible horrible horrible nite and morning so far day 10 :( so the cystitis went awy on friday n was over the moon wennt into work fine chilled most if not all of the weekend sunday nigt barelt got any sleep coz kept thinkikng could see spiders evrtywhere slept with the light on n everything :/ finally dozee off about 2ish as cudnt keep up anymore woke up at 4ish thinking could feel something :/ and woke up in the most intense pain ever the cystitis is back n worse then ever so spent till 6am thinking shud i cancel with the exterminator as was in so much pain and has loose tummy motion as wwll.

But i thought no this needs to be done or else the fuckers will brred like mad as the guy waant free again till wednesday.

And was getting pissed off not being able to go into the kitchen to make my shake in peace without flies being in my face so he came n i sat on the bed trying not to think about the pain he was quicker then i thought n. Cost me 60 quid so went to wokr thinking i can do this came 8.15 thought i cant do this was in so much pain asked manager if cud go to boots walk in centre sat there they saw me gave me five days worth of anitbotifs even tho told thme about last week as welll theycudt give me a answer just said if it gets worse then go to a n e

Trudged it back to work in pain was on the fone to the first student n realised i cant do this can barely see thru the pain the maanger saw that i had anitbiotics n even bought a new hot wAter bottle with me n he told me to let him know if im stil in pain.

An hour later at about ten stil in pain said so sorry to him but i actualmt can tdo this as the pain was actually making me nauseus.

He then told me well actually a wokr collegae told em to best go to a n e to check it out a si live alone n better off going now rather then going home then heading back out on my own so told manager whst ws going to do he told me not to worry about it if im in pain not my fault n he can see im in pain.

He told me to text him whne in the hospital n when i got home too.

Was in a n e for nearly five n half hours was shifted round to that many waiitng rooms lost count they took my blood tests tried tk get me to do a urine sample tho nothing was happening in that department, did a kidney and bladder check they said most things were normal but waiitng to get blood results back wich will be in a few days.

No bedside manner at all they liteslly forget u once they tell u to go and wait outside either that or patronising as **** :/ told them about last week as well were not helpfull at all.

Not hungry at all but not going to lie reli reli crvaing some hot comfort food right about now been given five day antiobitoixs four times a day kill me now :/ x

:( the only psoitige thjng is that the scale have moved down and tummy feels lot flatter leggings s16 were falling down and using these asda s14 jeans as a gage

Reli praying work doesnt think im chsting it coz i reli dont have the energy to fake it and i genuinely do feel so so bad in missing work its unreal due to being ill :(.

Hoping by now they recognise me as. Agenuine person who reli does to go into work regardless.

Had a nap as my body cudnt handle the pain anymore i will not give up not right now or go up a step coz think food will jsut trigger my downfall i cant reli afford to.

Just wil see how these next five days pan out will finish the course on friday bollocks day before weigh day :/ x

I am hating my internal body below my belly button right about now :/ x
Would love to be able to wear those distressed jeans in a s10 but heha those r the s14 jeans from asda


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I'm at a loss for words sweet girl you've been through the mills today. Stay strong, I'm so impressed with your determination. The pain you described. I recall that pain and I just wanted to hug you as it is excruciating. I think I've only suffered pain like that once, and no not even child birth was that painful... so yup you is an official hero girl.

I live your Picts. I wish I was brace enough to post but I hate my body right now.. urghhh!

You are going to be in those s10 jeans in 3 months lady so keep at it

Huge hugs

Heyaa so so glad i didnt cave in summer chic yesterday even though was dying to.

Stil barely got much sleep the doctor said can take about a dya or two for the antibiotics to kick in :( the pain is so excrutiatknf bf had. Go at me saying i need to stop the diet as its the diet thats played a part in it. He reli annoyed me yesterday like its my fault that im ill and no i am not giving in as yet no way.

Its not n stood on the scales today reli hope they move abit more im like u summer chic woud love the first stone to be off by week three n the next stone bracket down like the 12s on the scales by week 5 maybe?

Once i see the 12s i will know its defo working kn regards to the dhelli belly consultant siad to me that ahud have happendd in first seek n not second week.

Me legs getting a full wokrot as keep tensing them because of the pain between my legs fml.

Thanku hun i put pictures up to try n keep me accountable.

Consultant said to me to try 12 weeks at minimum n for my bf birthday to have a salad:/ yeah that aint going to happen lol.

Im hoping once get to size ten if i do before the 12 weeks is up i might lose few more lbs n then move over to 5/2 as i know that works and might be quickern easierr when i dont have as much to llose.

I hope she understands i am a soft person n. Hate saying no to ppl hence probz why i get pressured to buy thjnhs all the time haha.

This cystktis needs to get lost once and for all like reli.

Good luck summer chic for wi im going to rest today as the internal pipes like they on fire need the biotics fo kick in sooner rather then later ffs and also hope manager understands :(.

I cant deal.
Hi Priya. Sorry to hear your so poorly. It's awful when you body starts to start do. I'm not sure if your ever tried Aloe Vera juice, the cranberry one. You take around 60ml shot and it really help with all the organs. You can get from holland and Barrett. I take it (my consultant said I could) along with the diet.
Maybe ask your consultant too.
Ah hope you feel better today. We weigh in together on Saturday so let's hope for a good loss..x
I've suffered really bad with it before and not been able to get out of bed. It's horrid.. drinking lots of water flushes it out too x
It really is horrible i get it every few months and the doctors have no idea how to provide a perm solution.

Going to be getting the water and shakss down today day 11 goig to keep strong and do it for as long as i can this diet detox or whatver its classed as think bf is annoyed at me but he doesnt understand why i am doing this.

Think he preferreed me whne i was doing 5/2 lol but the results just were not showing or good enuf who sees the scales apart from u exactly no one else so u can shout it from
The tooftops that u have lost two stone but its not great if viisblly ppl cant see a diff on u or u not see a diff in clothes it was happening just so slowly. Tooo slowly for me tho i did lose consistently on the scales my face was still a round blob and so was the rest of the body.

I like vvlcd as even tho its harsh u do tend to see results quickly visible to the eye within a month or two usually is the case wich im hoping will he for me too n not be the odd one out.

Bf thjnks i dont take care of myself i bludy do take care of myself or else would have been dead by i have lived alone for quite sometime now four years at uni and on year and half in manchester so far n im still alive albirt with the few bouts of flu and cystitis apart from that im ok oh and obese.

My immune is just not that great thats all so do tend to get the flu quickly x
I want to be able to buy two pairs of nice bras when i am in the size tens again :) and some nice sets of bras and panties.

Both cotton and lace.

And just a few nice pairs of jeans and some nice tops :) and throw all my old stuff out n be a new me.
I swear by aloe vera cranberry juice. It's tastes awful but I close my eyes and pretend it's medicine lol

Ah it's hard for men when they see us crazy with dieting and then our ups and downs. My bloke puts up with all sorts of emotions from me. Like when I cheated the last day I really blamed him, but it was me who had no self control, I should want it bad enough not to give in.

He's had a shake this morning and bless him he's like struggling to, so he under now how hard it is and how easy it is to cheat so he might be more supportive. He's only trying it for 2 weeks but he'll lose loads of he sticks to it.

Have you taken today off work?
New underwear rocks :) and 2 pairs of nice jeans, 5 tops and maybe a skirt/dress and your wardrobe is complete :) bring it on!!
Yes unfortunately :( i just want this gone so that i am all fine and well again its weird isnt it 21st century yet medicine not found cures for the most well known illlnese such as chstits and cancer and what not....

Bf used to always test me before by suggestion food n i would always agree no self control at all but it was jsut one of the things that we did as i alwyas see him in the evenings n rarely during the day.

Now that i am in the zone think he is suprised as its taken me a damn long time to get here.

Now i just hope physical changes r seen soooner rather then later or else i swear he will think im chatting it n stuffing my face secretly lmao as much as i wish to do that cant afford to do that moeny wise.

I have promsied my a pizza if i manage 10-12 weeks of this though by then prozb woudl only manage a slice or two the most food even tho should not be relied hpon it stil shud be there to be enjoyed in moderation.
I know right nai lol urgh these antibiotics leave a nasty after taste in the mouth yuck :/

Yes i miss high waisted skinnies i know i can buy them in bigger sizes but dont reli want to lol.

Hard to explain why as seen lots of bigger girls rock them.

Size ten is ideal in my eyes siize ten on bottom and s8-10 on top think is brill n in proportion x for my height