Priya's diary

i am same babe. not put on yet but slow loss considering how much others lose. but i am just hoping it will average out so i am sticking with it, in sheer hope, but it is also getting me out of bad eating habbits so that has to be good, it is actually nice not to eat for a change, as i was just a pig, stick with it and see what happens x (((((hug))))))
i knoww same here i look at other people's losses and i am soo happy for them but at the same time i get depressed coz of my own daft losses....and yes my appetite has decreased rapidly...don't feel hungry anymore...can resist food...actually feel bit disgusted by fast food these days...evenn junk like greggs products make me not tempted....:S...which is good and i have realised that the one time i did have a blip i felt full sooo tummy felt ful and i cound't move for some time....
but ths is really depresssing a part of me wants to give up but then the other part of me doesn't want to give up...i can't really explain it properly in words as to how i feel.....just feel soo fat and feel like i have loadss to lose....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
i am and feel exactly the same hun, sorry i don;t know yr name? please add it to the users names forum. i am p*** off too at only 1lb last week, and i got on scales yesterday and nothing, my weigh in is wed so i am living in prayer. like u i wil be devastated if it is 1 or nothing, but i just live in hope that it will come off eventually, it has too, don;t it? at the end of the day if we stop the weight will go back on, so it is better to continue and see what happens.
yeah but at least your clothes are getting loose hun,for me i am struggling with that i mean my size 14 jeans one pair is looos on me but another pair is fitted on me...:S...which means i am still not slim enough to get into most size 12's :(..even if i get to a size 10 will b happy if i don't manage to get into the size 8;s...just want the waist to go down...more then anything else...:(....i know but its money that i can't really afford on these vlcd diets..i though after reading through the threads that the rsults would be just as effective and as quick with me that is why i though would give it a go and the first loss that i had last week was more then i ever lost on cd per week...but this week is really starting to get to me even if it gets down to 9 n a half stone would be happy as then i would know that it is working..slowly but surely...i only have this week and two more weeks supply left and then think 2 weeks of cd products that would be 6 weeks left of being on a vlcd diet and i need all the money i earn this summer to go towards gym, zumba dance classes and my accomodation which i have to pay in august so you see i really wanted the results so then can just focus on eating salads and healhily through the rest of the summer which my decreased appetite would help me out with hopefully but it is not happening..:S...:( :'(..going to put my name in that thread now hun llol
yeah i was going to ask you that as i read the convo regarding laxatives from mark lol...does that work with losing a few pounds here and there as i haven;t been to the toilet for the past few days....but didn't think much of it....:S...even though it migght feel **** being on the toilet most of a day (if that is how long it lasts) then it might be worth it if it means losing a pound or two or more....:~(....
hmm guess soo wher is mark when we need him lool....need his words of wisdom lool after e reads my post on page 12 loolz...of ma thread thouugh i love the rest of you as welll for suporting mee...:d you all make me feel soo much better after having one of my rants...:( and i fell really bad for writing it down as it is soo depressing to read and don't want to do your heads in.....:(...calii i am sure your loss on wed will b gd....i just hope mine is sumwher near as good on the friday....:(..really don't get it though been to the gym, been walking quite a bit...going to start dance lessons sooon so no idea what is happening to my bod all i know is that it is not doing what it is mean to....:mad: GRRRRRRRR :'(
Oh Priya. Have a giant hug.

No real advice but if I was you I'd stick to the diet for another week and during the week do not be tempted by those scales. Stay away.

Are you weighing yourself at the same time of day as well? I know that I'm 3lb heavier in the evening than in the morning so I always weigh myself in the morning.

If you stuck to the diet then you'll not have put weight on. It's probably just a blip.

Stick with it and you will get to the weight that you want to be!

I tend to weigh myself between 6am- 9 or 10am depending on when i get up lool..but it is always in the mornings, never in the evenings as it is the same as me, it does tend to be heavier in the evenings then in the mornings that is why i stay away from the scales in the evnings....i just don;t get it that is alll lol i just the scales to have a little pushhh then will b that lil tiny weeny bit closer to the 8 stone brakcer and my clothnes are starting to annoy me as well....but thank you for the hug soooo appreciate it hun thank you....hope you are doing well on the diet and not as worked up about it as i am lol..
i just want to get there now..i neve felt thiss strong about it before i started the diet...just recently i have been feeling soo strongly negative about myself...don't really get why...:S...yh quite a lot of people have said that coz i don't have a lot to lose that is why it is slow but i swear i thought it would be the other way round lol the lower the number left to go surely it would quicker gues i was
ahh bugger just checked the exante website the offer that was there with the veg soups when i bought my pack is not there anymore and it worked soo much cheaper for me then the mixed variety pack...:( i didn;t know the offer would be gone that sooon bugger bugger...:(...really kind of like the veg soup tooo....:(
Aw hun - sounds like one of those days and you need lots of these :hug99::hug99::hug99::hug99::hug99::hug99:

You will get down to what you want sweetie - you had a great first week loss and I'm sure by your next weigh in the scales will show you more lbs off...otherwise we will have to give them a:asskick:
shyree i feel like beating them up right now..they have officially lost the plot don;t know what to believe any more when i jump on the scales as each time it says a diff number or doesn't show what i want to see grr...dont even know if they working properly but they are brand new soo dont see why they wouldnt work normaly..:S....

nyree u never got back to me about zumba dancin...:(
Thanx calii and shyreee you are right can not give up now not after what i have lost so far from cd and exante....i guess i was just feeling down in the duumps recently and my feelings have just been all over the place and i constantly feel down about stuff but then perk up after readin your advice, posts, support etc...:)....its just such a slow process grrr loll..the inches have to come right if the weight gets can;t be like the weight goes off but the size remains the same..:s rite..?
Hun emailed you back earlier (sorry not been online over the weekend)

Sometimes I think the best way of seeing the loss is the mirror/your clothes tbh, I'm all ugh and bloaty today yet when I put on the wrong pair of jeans, a pair that just 2 weeks ago I had to be crowbar-ed into and were so small it was just too painful to wear, actually fit great today. My bum is still large enough to cause an eclipse if I bend over wrong ;) but it's obviously slightly smaller anyway - even if the tape measure doesn't say so!!

Hang in there hun xxx
did you..where? I didn;t get your email hun...did you pm me or send an actual email to my email address coz i have checked both and there is nothing there from you....yeah i do get what you are saying, but coz some clothes fit differently its annoyin wen say one size 14 jeans fit u an then the other pair which is also 14 loose on u....:S buh yeah you are right clothes say a lot
we all have good andf bad days. and we all have low self esteem, hence why we are trying to be thin, society stinks with all these size zero models.
when i was 11.5 stone yrs ago i always thought i was fat, and i was always miserable. over the years i gained weight to 15.7, so looking back was i that fat at 11.5, maybe a little overweight but i am sure i know what i would like to weight now, yes 11.5, it is funny it does not matter what we weight we are never happy, beauty has to be deeper than skin deep, it has took me over 40yrs to figure that out. now if i get to 13 i will be happy. as i feel disgusted at 15-7. well 14-10 now.