Protein Options

Chicken salad? salmon and salad?take a bar, have a shake before you go and a shake when you go home?
Thanks don't have any bars and don't eat fish,got chicken and salad but may need bit of dressing of some sort, I just obsess if can't have my packs lol
Shakes would be easiest on the go, just take a shaker!
or you could take soup in a flask?
Make a dressing from of soy sauce and chilli?
At a pinch you can make up a shake without a shaker. If you have a 500ml water bottle then drink half the water, tear a corner off the shake packet and carefully poor it in to the bottle, put the lid on and shake. Works surprisingly well.
I am so making the baked egg!
I read on the official S&S group we can have 4 Babybels (the light ones) for our protein option. Will be getting some soon because I'm already getting a bit fed up with eggs, tuna and turkey.
What I tend to do is make sure by carb amount is not higher that my shake, so in all fairness it would be very difficult to go over the carb allowance. It's easier to go over the cals if not weighed. I love my egg, broccoli omelette for breakfast especially on a wk end. Then shakes for me rest of day. I have even on some occasions had 2 shakes and 2 meals and my weight loss as been ok. Think we have to do what best keeps us on plan without eating to many carbs or cals.
Am about to restart today , And am looking at doing 4pqcks per day, and then move to 3pck and a meal next week. Would like to know If the weight loss is the same on both plan? Please can anyone help ?
Why do different VLCD suppliers have different food and amounts to follow if you have the meal with your three products, surely the products must be similar in carbs, fat, cals.
At a pinch you can make up a shake without a shaker. If you have a 500ml water bottle then drink half the water, tear a corner off the shake packet and carefully poor it in to the bottle, put the lid on and shake. Works surprisingly well.

Thats a really good idea :)