Gold Member
Geez, don't know how I missed that! Happy anniversary! 
Joodle said:Hi Pauline, happy anniversary too!
I've just been having a proper read of your diary - is it normal to get teary about things happening to someone you've never met?! Because I totally was! Amazing story so far, definitely needs to be the first Dukan soap opera plot! Huge congratulations on everything. So many things, I think it requires a list. Deep breath.
[*] Your weight loss so far (wow, 1 ½ stone in what, 11 weeks?),
[*]Your pregnancy (amazing, am keeping everything crossed, loved the story of how you broke the news! And also, double wow, you're still losing!),
[*]Your little boy coming through his op (is he ok now? Amazed how well you kept your strength and sense of humour and stuck to Dukan. Am quite sure it would have been easy to turn to chocolate during that. Marvel.)
[*]Meeting hubby through internet dating. (You're officially my hero. Which site? How did you deal with all the loonies?!)
[*]Being cute as a button - love your profile pic.
[*]Another congrats on the anniversary for good measure!
So, thanks for all the encouragement so far. Back atcha!
PS You mentioned in an earlier post that you weren't getting lower back pain which you associate with being pregnant. Am no expert but do you weigh less now than in previous pregnancies? Because losing weight puts less strain on the body and can relieve joint and back pain - might that be a reason?
I was also still seeing other guys when i met hubby I ended them when i got to know him as i thought he was an arse at first lol
Pauline, I just went back and read your whole diary properly, and I wholeheartedly agree with Joodle. What a story!