P's Perseverance!

Hi Pauline, happy anniversary too!

I’ve just been having a proper read of your diary – is it normal to get teary about things happening to someone you’ve never met?! Because I totally was! Amazing story so far, definitely needs to be the first Dukan soap opera plot! Huge congratulations on everything. So many things, I think it requires a list. Deep breath.

  1. Your weight loss so far (wow, 1 ½ stone in what, 11 weeks?),
  2. Your pregnancy (amazing, am keeping everything crossed, loved the story of how you broke the news! And also, double wow, you’re still losing!),
  3. Your little boy coming through his op (is he ok now? Amazed how well you kept your strength and sense of humour and stuck to Dukan. Am quite sure it would have been easy to turn to chocolate during that. Marvel.)
  4. Meeting hubby through internet dating. (You’re officially my hero. Which site? How did you deal with all the loonies?!)
  5. Being cute as a button – love your profile pic.
  6. Another congrats on the anniversary for good measure!

So, thanks for all the encouragement so far. Back atcha!


PS You mentioned in an earlier post that you weren't getting lower back pain which you associate with being pregnant. Am no expert but do you weigh less now than in previous pregnancies? Because losing weight puts less strain on the body and can relieve joint and back pain - might that be a reason?
Joodle said:
Hi Pauline, happy anniversary too!

I've just been having a proper read of your diary - is it normal to get teary about things happening to someone you've never met?! Because I totally was! Amazing story so far, definitely needs to be the first Dukan soap opera plot! Huge congratulations on everything. So many things, I think it requires a list. Deep breath.

[*] Your weight loss so far (wow, 1 ½ stone in what, 11 weeks?),
[*]Your pregnancy (amazing, am keeping everything crossed, loved the story of how you broke the news! And also, double wow, you're still losing!),
[*]Your little boy coming through his op (is he ok now? Amazed how well you kept your strength and sense of humour and stuck to Dukan. Am quite sure it would have been easy to turn to chocolate during that. Marvel.)
[*]Meeting hubby through internet dating. (You're officially my hero. Which site? How did you deal with all the loonies?!)
[*]Being cute as a button - love your profile pic.
[*]Another congrats on the anniversary for good measure!

So, thanks for all the encouragement so far. Back atcha!


PS You mentioned in an earlier post that you weren't getting lower back pain which you associate with being pregnant. Am no expert but do you weigh less now than in previous pregnancies? Because losing weight puts less strain on the body and can relieve joint and back pain - might that be a reason?

LOL Joodle, you have made my day! :D Bless your heart xx

1. Thank you
2. Thank you
3. William is super fine and dandy now thanks, bounced right back! :D
4. Internet dating - how did I deal with the loonies? I married one ;) I won't kid you that it's easy and you have to kiss a lot of frogs, but it does work (eh, Ellie?). My advice would be to approach it like a project - put the work in and you'll get rewards. Above all, keep your sense of humour and don't take rejections personally. Met Kev on plentyoffish (which is free) but spent most of my journey on Match. Go get 'em, Joodle! :D
5. Ha, I'm blushing! ;)
6. Thank you

Like your thoughts about no back pain, it could be the case I guess as I am lighter :D :D

P x
I had a stint on match & POF, I was still on them when I got with TDM I multi dated for about 4 months until one of my friends asked me if he knew I was dating other men, which of course he didn't. She then made me think about it & asked how I'd feel if he was doing the same, I would have been gutted - that made me realise I had to decide if I was going to give it a proper go with him or continue as I was.

There were a few loonies on there along with what I call damaged goods - guys just out of a relationship looking for a ego boost. But as P says put the effort in & enjoy meeting new people. Who knows what it will lead to x
Ok, Jo and Pauline, you are now officially my dating gurus!!

Pauline, I soooo nearly added 'unless you married one of them' to my loonies comment but thought maybe I didn't know you quite well enough for that yet! Still, it's fabulous to hear some happy endings. Nearly time to pucker up for those frogs, but I'm off the hook until I'm at 9 on the nose!

i met my fair share of loonies... spoke to my fair share of men who were obviouslsy just looking for sex and were married etc.. i also met sone really decent guys .... had one relationship with a guy way younger than me which was fun but he ended it after a few months as we were starting to get fairly serious and he was going to america to work for the summer so didnt think it was fair on me to wait. I was also still seeing other guys when i met hubby I ended them when i got to know him as i thought he was an arse at first lol
Pauline, I just went back and read your whole diary properly, and I wholeheartedly agree with Joodle. What a story! And here's me thinking that you were 'just' a very sweet, positive, funny, and amazingly successful dieter :)

Thank you for sharing this and I'm wishing you all the best for your anniversary weekend. hope you have some fab gala meals, and pleeease share so we can live vicariously through your calories :D.


PS I still cannot believe that you told minimins before you broke the news to hubby... :worthy:
Pauline, I just went back and read your whole diary properly, and I wholeheartedly agree with Joodle. What a story!

Bless you, Caro, thank you. I obviously watch too many soap operas as I am making it sound like I live in one .... ;)

P x
Morning ladies

Happy Friday to you all!! I "work from home" on a Friday (lol, she says still in her dressing gown and snuggling up to William) so I left the office yesterday in full-on holiday mode!! Before I went though, I opened my "P's wedding weight tracker" spreadsheet which I was doing last year in an effort to be a thin bride (FAIL! :p) and my weight was 12st 4.5lbs this time last year. Today, I'm 12st 7lbs so I'm pretty chuffed with that, given that I got up to 14st 3lbs again pre-Dukan!! :eek:

We don't head down to Somerset until Monday but we've got a full on weekend ahead of us, including going to see the Olympic Torch (in fact, we could be going to see it twice - once at the Black Country Museum on Saturday afternoon and then heading off to Brum for the concert/party in the evening. (I'm told the "the torch" always has a 'night night' party when it's finished its daily journey - gotta say, I'm liking the torch's style! :D)). Sunday, weather permitting, we're off for an afternoon of stock-car racing (watching!) down Worcester way.

I bore you with all of this because it's not very Dukan friendly! We're already planning a Carribbean meal on Saturday (not too bad - jerk chicken and salad, maybe a little bit of curried goat) and an Indian takeaway on Sunday (will try and be strong and have mixed kebab, chicken tikka/tandoori and knock up some cauliflower rice!) and this is all before our holiday even "officially" starts. Sigh ;)

Oh well, I should perhaps take my own advice and relax a little. It's only a week-and-a-bit, right? What real harm can be done ....?! :rolleyes:

Enjoy your weekends :D
P xxx
No harm whatsoever P, it is your holiday away from work and housework, Dukan when you can if not there is the week after you know - ENJOY!
Have a fab weekend, we had the torch here in Chester at the race course, our choir were singing at the event, enjoy your meals and the normality of it all get back on track when you return we'll be here waiting to see how you got on Cx
Add you on FB :) Have a fabulous time & happy anniversay xxxxxxx
Have a great time Pauline! I was up at my folks' seeing the torch in the lake district last week, was really fab, such a great atmosphere. But my god, the rain....

Looking forward to hearing all about it. Jx
EEEEEK - two days into holiday, two gala meals tucked in my belly, 3.5lbs added into the scales!!
OH WELL ............ P your not going to have a gala meal every night 'are you' its easy gone anyway ........... In your condition you do need to 'CHILL' you know ;)