P's Perseverance!

Oh Pauline, I'm so sorry too. I know you were being cautious but I doubt anything fully prepares you. Chin up lady, we're all here waiting to give you any virtual support you need. If only we could pour tea and beer and give back rubs over the internet.

Chin up, well done for having such a positive outlook, it will take you far.

Big, big hug.

Oh Pauline - sooooo sorry to read your post... Your positive outlook is such a credit to you... William and hubby are two lucky boys to have such an amazing Mummy/wife.... Glad you are getting on with making the most of your holiday - there is no way you have put a stone on - look at siddid wi after her holiday.......see you Tues - many hugs and best wishes being sent your way. xxxxxxxx
Pauline I just read the news, I won't go on about it with a long speil as I usually would have so I'm sorry and big hugs your way honey pie xxxxx
My heart aches for you all :( (and sending big hugs to you my lovely). I admire your incredibly positive attitude so much,this will get you through it again. I KNOW just how much it hurts but I also know that you will be ok. Enjoy what's left of your break my lovely xx
Oh Pauline, I'm so sorry. I'm in tears here. To be honest I had my suspicions - as soon as you said you weren't feeling pregnant it reminded me of my second miscarriage before I had Mabel. I didn't have the normal pregnancy symptoms so I demanded a scan and sure enough the foetus wasn't growing properly. I eventually miscarried at 8 weeks.

But you know what? Our bodies know what they're doing. I'm convinced I lost those 2 foetuses because they weren't viable. You are most fertile straight after being pregnant and, as the kind lady in foetal medicine said to me, if you got pregnant before you will again and you will eventually have a healthy baby (remember the patient of hers who carried to term at the 8th attempt?) If you decide you can't bear to go through it all again, though, that would be quite understandable. Whatever you and hubby decide, best of luck and I'm thinking of you.

I'm glad you were able to enjoy at least some of your holiday, and it will be great to read you on here again soon xx

Just wanted to say, really sorry to hear your news. I also know what you're going through, wishing you all the best.

Pauline you are such a strong individual and many can learn from you.

Feel free to personal message any one of us should you need to vent, as we are all here to support you at this time.

Morning ladies

Thank you for all your kind messages; had a tough day yesterday, both physically and emotionally, but I'm feeling stronger today and looking forward to getting back into the routine of work and La Regime!!

Right then, the damage is .... 12lbs ON!! Bloody hell (excuse my French!), you can see that I don't do things by halves! ;) So, three days of Attack start today to shock this lardy ass into submission! ;)

Onwards and downwards (again!) my darlings, have a great day :)

P x
Paulinegin said:
Morning ladies

Thank you for all your kind messages; had a tough day yesterday, both physically and emotionally, but I'm feeling stronger today and looking forward to getting back into the routine of work and La Regime!!

Right then, the damage is .... 12lbs ON!! Bloody hell (excuse my French!), you can see that I don't do things by halves! ;) So, three days of Attack start today to shock this lardy ass into submission! ;)

Onwards and downwards (again!) my darlings, have a great day :)

P x

Yayyy so pleased your back,sending u a big sloppy kiss!! Xx
Good luck Lady P. You know what to do. Lots of rooting for you going on from my neck of the woods. Jx
You'll get back into the swing of things & I bet you have a massive loss, it's bound to be a load of water retention.

Glad to have you back, I've missed you xx
Agree with Sara defo just water weight and your attack phase will knock most of it on the head! You go gal, lovely for us to have you back - have missed you P! xxxx
You won't believe how quiet it was without you... :)
Evening Pauline xxx agree with the gals its water retention, back on the Dukan horse and onwards to tw xxx big hugs from me xxx hows Williams potty training going????? All done now I expect.
I expect by the time I bring my lardy ass back from Spain you will have lost all that excess so good luck with it honey. xxx
Very sorry to hear your news Pauline, it was thinking of you that made me turn on my computer and have a look at what ye all are getting up to. You seem like a very strong person and practical too so I hope you can see the logic of these upsets and use it to come to terms with the loss.
Little William seems to be keeping you very busy so I hope you can get some moments to yourself and be nice to yourself (with whatever Dr. Dukan allows...)
You will have those extra lbs gone in less than 2 weeks I'd say... would agree with everyone else regarding water retention. Your body has a bit of re-adjusting to do and its re-adjusting 'downwards' to the slimmer you...
Stay strong and enjoy life.