P's Perseverance!

Go Paulinegin Go girl !!!! woo woo!
Morning gals!

Oh my freaking gosh, did my 'Day one of week six' run last night and it actually nearly killed me!! (stop laughing!! ;)) Seriously, I nearly stopped so many times that it wasn't funny but ... actually .... I didn't stop! I only bloody did it! :D I think it was so hard because a. it's meant to be hard but also because I can only get to the gym after work (mostly) and exercising at the end of the day is very different to exercising at the beginning of the day. The other reason it was so hard, I think, is ...

... because of the Flabelos vibro plate that I'm using! :D Man, it's a beast of a machine and I blooming love it. It's hard core - very intense and very boring! I'm already seeing results though, so bring on the flab busting!!

Oh yeah, I'm being a Dukan Dahling and sticking to the diet too. Go me!

It's all good, my friends, and I feel blooming AMAZEBALLS!! Yee ha :D

Happy PP Thursday, everyone :D

P x

Wow! Incredible effort Pol, great stuff!
Pauline you little beauty xxx well done you xxx and what sara said............................truly :girlpower:
Your putting us to shame p ;)
Well done you!!! So impressed. :) xx
Hahahaha, you lot crack me up!! :D :D :D

2lbs off today .... *only* another 2.5 needed to get back to pre Christmas stuffathon weight! Next week for sure .... :D

I know it's a bit 'bah humbug' but I bloody hate snow!! :( We were holed in like (... um, what gets holed in?!) ... holed in things yesterday, so today I'll have to literally brace myself and get out there. Bleurgh :(

Heston's Lapsang Souchong Tea Smoked Salmon for breakfast (nom nom nom!! special offer in Waitrose at the moment), so I'm off to fill my PP face!

Have a great day everyone! :D

P x
Its so cold P, I like looking at snow but don't like living with it. For that reason I could never embrace the idea of a skiing holiday!!!
Yum Yum the breakfast sounds delish!
Congrats on weight loss.
have a great weekend
Hahahaha, you lot crack me up!! :D :D :D

2lbs off today .... *only* another 2.5 needed to get back to pre Christmas stuffathon weight! Next week for sure .... :D

I know it's a bit 'bah humbug' but I bloody hate snow!! :( We were holed in like (... um, what gets holed in?!) ... holed in things yesterday, so today I'll have to literally brace myself and get out there. Bleurgh :(

Heston's Lapsang Souchong Tea Smoked Salmon for breakfast (nom nom nom!! special offer in Waitrose at the moment), so I'm off to fill my PP face!

Have a great day everyone! :D

P x

Well done on your loss P, the tea smoked salmon sounds delicious. Nipping over to the Waitrose website now as they keep sending me emails with £20 off my next order, probs because I haven't shopped with them for ages. But Heston's smoked salmon sounds just toooo tempting.

Another well done on the running, I am seriously impressed!!
CheeseGirl said:
Well jel of your losses, missus! :D keep up the good work
Hey, how'd we get unfriended??
Bay city rollers Renata lol. Trying to spy on your fb is like trying to get into fort Knox
P !!!!!!!!! Just catching up on your diary. Fabulous news on the dr front !!!!!! Really pleased for you, there's life in the old dog yet ;)

You are back in the zone diet wise too, fantastic !!!!!!!! X