Blimey, you step out of the room for a couple of minutes and it descends into smut!! Hurrah
Morning lovelies, hope you're all fine and dandy.
Not a brilliant week in the Watson household to be honest - I hate the snow, W has been poorly (snotty cold and asthma (pretty much go hand in hand for him)), I hate the snow, Kev's a night driver so has had a tough week with the weather, I hate the snow, I haven't managed a run or a wobble (vibrate!!) because of all the above AND I hate the snow!!!
Have been Dukan good though and today the scales showed a loss of .... well ... they very briefly flashed at 12 5.5 before settling on 12 6.0! I have tried a further twenty or so weighs but it's still 12 6.0. ***HOWEVER*** 12 5.5 is my pre-Christmas stuffathon weight so I'm taking it!!

That's a loss of 2.5 lbs this week and 13lbs since January 2nd. It took me 17 days to put it on and 24 days to get it off!!
Snow is almost gone round here now (did I mention that I hate snow?

) - we had a yellow weather warning yesterday, but nothing happened. Hurrah! So hopefully we can get back to normal now.
Off swimming this morning then mooching into town to buy a few bits and get a photo for W's first passport. Unfortunately, W looks like an eejit at the moment after Kev cut his fringe (bloody men!!

), so the poor little Muncher will have a very embarrassing passport photo for five years!!
Off out for a Ruby tonight with some friends we've not seen for two years - Kev was 18.5 stones then (he's 14 now) and I was about 20lbs heavier, so hopefully they won't recognise us!
Right, I'm boring myself now so I'm off to make a cuppa and have a read of my favourite online soap operas (that's your diaries, gals!)
Haw a fabulous Saturday!
P x