Puggso_32 - Look what the cat dragged back

Haha love it, i need to give all my blood awayyyyy and i will be a (dead) skinny minnie forever:D

Oh and dont be daft i run to r n b all the way, u need a bit of usher in ur life ;)
Haha love it, i need to give all my blood awayyyyy and i will be a (dead) skinny minnie forever:D

Oh and dont be daft i run to r n b all the way, u need a bit of usher in ur life ;)

I have lived my life quite happily without Usher until now :p

Don't know if the leeching had an affect but....

10st 0.5lb so 3lb down! :-D

Very happy there! Bring on Friday
Weetabix - 5
Kernow Jo said:
Well done thats a great loss! Jo x

Cheers Jo :)

Tesco chow mein - 7.5
Roll - 3
Crisps 1
Soup 0.5

Cheers :)

Had a cracking weekend away piping and drinking and whatnot, didn't point but didn't go wild either.


Weetabix - 4

Salad/dressing - 0
Soup - 0.5
Crisps - 1
Jelly - 0

Quavers - 1.5

Rice and veg - 5
Bread - 2
Crackerbread - 2
Jelly - 0

Weetabix - 4

Salad/dressing - 0
Soup - 0.5
Crisps - 1
Jelly - 0

Pasta - 5
Sauce - 2
Bread - 2
Crisps 1.5
Crackerbread - 2
Jelly - 0

2.75lb on this week. But I'm ok with that. Two 3lb losses in 2 weeks wasn't really correct I'd say at the best of times so 3.25lb in 2 weeks seems much more normal. Not trying to give reasons for it, but I've had a stressful week so it's all good in the hood!

I really HAVE to point on here all the time though! Make sure I do people!


Weetabix - 4
Crisps - 2
Salad/dressing - 0
Jelly - 0

6 by the end of work
Last edited:
All sounds good to me. Hey don't forget to point the rest of today :0) Jo x

Cheers Jo! I did point, just haven't been around my PC much!

The rest of the day was;

Pasta - 5
Sauce - 1
Mushrooms - 0
Bread - 2
Snackajcaks - 1.5
Crackerbread - 2
Jelly - 0

Shredded Wheat - 4
Sandwich - 4
Crisps 1.5

Rice and veg - 5
Bread - 2
Crackerbread - 2
Jelly - 0

I'm going to be honest... I was a bit shocked at your first two losses... Not because they were quite big, but just quite big FOR YOU!! You've always been a kind of 1lb per week kind of loser [loser in a good way :p] - but I never mentioned because I didn't want to burst your bubble... But obviously, we were on the same hymn sheet somewhere along he way...

So... Congratulations on the gain which brings you back to 'normal' so to speak.



Sent from my iPad - Mistakes Are Not My Own, But Are CopyRighted

Yay to normal!

I didn't point yesterday because I was running about daft all (literally) and carrying heavy weights as I'm moving from my current flat with a flat mate in to my own place. Got a few weeks cross-over so been getting all the things I need (unfurnished flat) bought and put in before I do the big final move! But the eating was fine, over points - but not by much but I was over exercised too....my back, neck and arms will testify to that!

Today though;

Weetabix - 4

Salad/dressing - 0
Soup - 0.5
Crisps - 1
Jelly - 0

Cous cous and veg - 5
Bread - 2
Crackerbread - 2

Crackerbread - 2
Jelly - 0

Very busy tuesday on the cards but should look like this;

Weetabix - 4

Sandwich - 4
Crisps - 1.5

Subway - 8

Good luck for the eventual proper move in... I wonder how many "positions" there will be in your new bedroom :p


Sent from my iPad - Mistakes Are Not My Own, But Are CopyRighted

When you visiting? :p


Weetabix - 4

Salad/dressing - 0
Crisps - 1
Soup - 0.5
Jelly - 0

Beans, veg and rice - 10
Bread - 2
Crackerbread - 2
Jelly - 0

Weetabix - 4

Salad / dressing - 0
Crisps - 1
Soup - 0.5
Jelly - 0

Rice - 5
Bread - 2
Crsisps - 1
Jelly - 0

Running all the way... Should be with you soon :p

Sent from my iPad - Mistakes Are Not My Own, But Are CopyRighted

Kettles on and jelly is in the fridge :D

I'm not sure how to feel about this today after last week but I'm 3.25lb down, so 10st 0.25lb

However this week has been much more 'normal' than the 2 weeks previous. In fact I went on to the scales today wondering if I'd actually gain or loss. Can't take a weigh-in result in a bad way I guess so....yay? :p
Weetabix - 4

Salad/Dressing - 0
Crisps - 1
Soup - 0.5
Jelly - 0

Cheers guys.

Quiet this weekend as I've been at the flat building flat packs. Eating has generally been good but not pointed. And the amount of energy expelled (I'm shattered and muscles all sore) I'm sure makes up for it.

But today;

Weetabix - 3
Salad / dressing - 0
Crisps - 1
Soup - 0.5
Jelly - 0

Rice and veg - 5
Bread - 2
Crackerbread - 2
Jelly - 0
