Puggso_32 - Plodding along

I'm predicting my tea in advance as I am back on Tuesday pipe band practices as well now so it will be;

Beans - 5
Toast - 1
Crackerbread - 2
Jelly - 0


And walk to band and back will get me 2!
9st 6.25lb :D :D :D

Porridge - 3
Toast - 1
Yoghurt - 0.5
So aye, further from above...2.75lb down. That's almost the 3lb from Oban sorted :D


Cous Cous - 3
Soup - 0.5
Carrots/Dressing - 0

Cinema straight after work tonight - Earn a point
Re: Puggso_32 - Booyah!

Shlinz said:
Well done pugs...u superstar u!

Enjoy the flicks!.x

Cheers, saw due date. Really funny if not seen the trailer....which has all the best bits in it
Pasta - 5
Sauce - 1
Crackerbread - 2
Bread - 1

Oh well done Mister on the loss, you must be well chuffed - And now I am completely understanding your diary title... I thought Ali G had taken over your thread... Puggi G In Da House!

This cinema pass has certainly paid off! What ya watchin tonight? xxx

Sorry, I didn't ignor this post (maybe ;-) ) on purpose, just seems to have crossed over when I did the oher!

Cheers, I am happy yeah, didn't think I'd drop nearly all of what with the meal out on Saturday etc.

Only have to go to the cinema twice in the month to make it worth the money :D Tonight I went to see Due Date. Was alright, nothing amazing but had the odd moment.
Re: Puggso_32 - Booyah!

NAJH said:
I did see your post on FB regarding the funniest bits being shown in trailers on TV.

I believe that you weren't ignoring me, I think you are much sweeter person than that :)

Have a lovely day. xxx

I dunno about the tv ones, it was the theatrical ones I meant, probably cos I have seen them a lot with the cinema going!

today was usual breakfast so 4.5. walk at lunch is 1.5 earned then;

carrots/dressing/jelly - 0
cous cous 3
soup 0.5

Re: Puggso_32 - Booyah!

NAJH said:
I'm reet into raw carrots at the minute. I keep meaning to pick up some hoo-moose to dip in too, but to be honest, the carrot is ok on its own.

I can't be doing with the cinema these days, too much multi coloured glasses wearing going on for my liking. I'm quite happy watching the films at home where I can see someone get up to go use the toilet :p

I use a tesco light choice honey mustard dressing.

And since getting my unlimited card I haven't seen a single 3d film. it's a fad and I don't see it lasting too much longer
Steak and potatoes - 5.5
Bread - 1
Crackerbread - 2

Band walk gets me 2!
Toast - 2
Crackerbread - 2
Yoghurt - 0.5

porridge - 5
Toast - 1
Yoghurt 0.5

Cous Cous - 3
Quavers - 1.5
Carrots/dressing/jelly - 0

Pasta - 5
Bread - 1
Crackerbread - 2
Pasta Sauce - 1

Have a lovely evening Puggs, and a great weekend with whatever you have planned.

BTW - Adore the new flatmate! Gorgetiddlyumptious! Any names yet? xxx

Tiger I believe is his name :D

Had 4 pints after the cinema last night (don't see Skyline!) but got plenty of points saved for that!

Heading down the road today for a wee visit.

Today so far has been;

Porridge - 3
Toast - 1
Yoghurt - 0.5
Re: Puggso_32 - Booyah!

On the train the now so thought I'd update more on the beers etc (as I am utterly in love with the minis android app!)

over the week up to last night I had earned 20.5 points. a mix of being out a lot so walking for trains and also saving points. 4 pints last night is 12 at the very most so still got 8.5 points. up early tomorrow piping at a remembrance parade so will either have a couple of pints then or maybe a couple today while down in Greenock.

with this little lovely app I will keep y'all updated :D
Enjoy ur wee visit home pugs x

Wish thre was an app for the BB.


It has been nice, spent the whole day up at the grandfolks' place trying to set up their TV in their kitchen so it also had freeview. Ended up being quite a job running wires, connecting things, unconnecting, getting a signal booster etc etc but we got there in the end!

Not had anything to eat yet mind you. Having chicken, carrotts and broccolli with potatoes for tea so reckon at a push it would be 10 points!
10 points? For all that? What you havin? A whole chicken? ;)

So did this visit involve dirty washing? :D xxx

I'm a far better son than that! I do my own washing thank you very much :p

The dinner ended up including bread and a muller rice (the mini one) so I'm saying 10+ is fair...even at that it would only put me at 14.5 for the day.