Puggso_32 - Plodding along

I work with children with challenging behaviour who don't like change, believe me it will be not a walk in the park :)
I work with children with challenging behaviour who don't like change, believe me it will be not a walk in the park :)

Don't all children having challenging behaviour? I'm 23 and I'd still put myself in that category :D
New picture in my gallery

And to take it to 23;

Sandwich - 2.5
Crisps - 1
Yoghurt 0.5
hey babes. have been away visiting my dad this weekend so haven't been online. how's things going? did your weekend go well?

abz xx
When's your WI Pugg's??

Hi Bren. I should be Wednesday evenings but it's my works Xmas party then so my next one will be this coming Saturday morning...probably my last before Christmas too!

hey babes. have been away visiting my dad this weekend so haven't been online. how's things going? did your weekend go well?

abz xx

Hey Abz! Good sober weekend for once! Spent Saturday in Glasgow for shopping, food and cinema. Glasgow has a Hanley's now...it was amazing!

In saying that, the shopping.

I got a pair of 30 waist slim cut jeans. Didn't fit...bugger! But not far off at all. So they are my goal jeans I want in to them ASAP, I reckon normal 30's would be fine. So I got a pair of 32s yesterday from Tesco. As they are for my work night out at uni day out I decided go for added comfort.

But I did get a lovely jacket from Primark that is warm and fluffy and is like wearing a hug...in medium! :D


Porridge - 3
Toast - 1


Cuppa Soup - 0.5
Crisps - 1
Cous Cous - 3

So out to the shed and on to the bike, in stand by it give you the degree of the room in centigrade....5!!!! Good thing a bike heats you up!

Done 40 minutes and 21.5km. 4.5 points earned :D

Tea was pasta - 5
WW Tikka sauce (I thought we had pasta sauce left so improvised...and it was superb!) - 2
Garlic Bread - 2

I also made my soup :D Had 2 big bowls of that before the pasta *pats very full tum!*. I am taking a load of it in to work on Wednesday as a 0 point lunch before the meal at night. I'm planning too much, but it's my way :D
Ok, people who have known me for a long time on here (it's my 2nd year anniversary tomorrow!!!!!) will know every now and then I put up pictures of me in my pipe band uniform as a comparison.

Why do I do this? Well it is the one constant I always have. I always need my uniform, but I don't wear it too much between September and May. Only when it is needed, which is rarely. From May to September it is used a lot more as that is when we compete.

A kilt is fastened by buckles, the waistcoat is buttoned and the sporran (that thing that we keep our money in!) has a chain. 3 good ways of keeping tracks of things.

So this is the comparison in the uniform from 2007, 2008 and 2009. T


Minus my tie the only thing that has been constant is the kilt.

This has been taken in twice. The pictures show the stages. In the first I actually have a belt on to hold it up. In the 2nd it is still too big (despite being adjusted) and sits funny, the third it is perfect, but on the last notches of the buckles again!

The waistcoat in the first picture is horrendous. It is far too big in legnth as it has to go around me. In the 2nd it is a bit better as my mum done an adjustment on it but it doesn't sit correctly. The 3rd is a new waistcoat which fits almost perfect. I got it last year and have had to tighten it at the back since then to keep up with me, but still fine so far.

The sporran in the first doesn't sit right at all weight as is very low down to get over my flab. In the second it is a bit better as it is now sitting higher up. Although the sporran is different the chain is the same. The waistcoat legnth problem is obvious here as it covers up part of the sporran. In the 3rd the sporran is the same but I now use the actual chain that came with the sporran as it now fits, and fits really well too!

So 2 years here. And I admit it has changed my life. The comparisons are outstanding. I am dressing and acting in a way now I never felt I could before. I am starting to actually believe it when people say that the difference is huge. I look back at old pictures in disgust, and I am beginning to feel inside just how important these changes have on my life in terms of health etc.

I still have about 2 stone to go but to think I am 5lb off having a weight that will start 10 stone - something actually takes my breath away. From being bang on 16 stone when I started (and now considering - see my first post in this diary - that those scales seemed to be broke and under-value your weight) to now gives me a great sense of happiness.

Annoying my first posts on here don't state my weight at all, but I think it may have been about 14 and a half stone as I say I am 1 and a half stone down from my heaviest. So that is not far off 3 and a half stone I have lost here.

An interesting quote from my first entry

Always been a fat guy
...now the thing with this is I know a mate of mine who has said recently he no longer sees me as fat (after I made a joke about being fat in one way or another). I take words of honesty on board really seriously and although I know I am not where I want to be yet it is always comforting to know people are noticing. In fact, when I put up the very right hand picture up there on bebo the other day someone said;

You have lost sooooo much weight, you look amazing! Good on you!
I best finish this post now, I'm starting to ramble.

But can I just say, the above is not a self-congratulating post from myself to me with self-back slapping thrown in for good measure. It is me highlighting how well I have done since joining here. And who do I think for this?

Well all of you of course! The people who read my ramblings, join in with banter and make the whole place a reason I want to come back to over and over again. If it wasn't for you folk I may have left the place 1 year and 11 months ago and lost all thoughts of losing weight in the process. It is the support you guys give (even when it is just a simple comment to something, or providing conversation through a thread) that helps! And I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Here's to the next year, and hopefully the last of my weight.


Cheers :)

Today has been;

Prorridge - 3
Yoghurt - 1
Toast - 1

Lunch is

Cous cous - 3
Soup - 0.5
Crisps - 1
Thanks very much :)

TLC Chiken Korma - 8.5
Garlic Bread - 2
I done my usual 2-point earning walk to pipe band.

When I got in I had more of my soup at 0 points :D Plus bread (1) and a few crackers and spread cheese (2).

23 for the day.

2 carried over.

In total I have 13.5 saved for tomorrow night (work night out) plus I am taking the rest of my soup in for lunch so will have only had about 6 points the whole day, saving another 17.

Hey Stepen

Your pictures are amazing. Well done to you mate. I know I wouldn't be one of your regular subscribers but that doesn't mean I don't read your diary. I have to be honest here and admit that when I joined minimins your journey was probably one of the biggest influences on me. I read your entire diary at that stage and now I come back every day or two to get my fix of inspiration. I have even shown my wife your pictures to let her see that I too can do it! You are my living proof that WW works, and I admire you greatly for what you have achieved but more so for the way it has inspired me to keep at it.

Keep up the good work and keep us entertained with your posts.

Hey Stepen

Your pictures are amazing. Well done to you mate. I know I wouldn't be one of your regular subscribers but that doesn't mean I don't read your diary. I have to be honest here and admit that when I joined minimins your journey was probably one of the biggest influences on me. I read your entire diary at that stage and now I come back every day or two to get my fix of inspiration. I have even shown my wife your pictures to let her see that I too can do it! You are my living proof that WW works, and I admire you greatly for what you have achieved but more so for the way it has inspired me to keep at it.

Keep up the good work and keep us entertained with your posts.


Wow! Thanks for that Gerry! Great post! I reckon WW works for anyone who WANTS it to work. If not then there is no hope.

Oh and PS - Clarion is where my band stay whenever my band is over for a comp in Norn Iren! We go out in Belfast though after the competitions...I sprained my ankle on one of the flag poles outside it, sliding down at about 1am :rolleyes:

Today is

Porridge - 5
Toast - 1

Lunch is point free soup - 0
Tomtatos - 0
Jelly - 0
Crisps - 1
Meal last night was lovely. Had the mushroom and asparagus risotto rather than the chicken. Had a good number of drinks and left at 11pm to get the train home. Fun times. Head's a bit fuzzy today.


Porridge - 3
Toast - 1
Raisins - 1

Lunch will be

Soup - 0.5
Crisps - 1
TLC Noodles - 3
Pasta - 5
Sauce - 2
Crackers - 2
Crisps - 1
Bread - 3
Sandwich 1.5
Crisps - 1

And that's my 23 for the day :)
WI tomorrow!


Porridge - 5
Toast - 1

Soup - 3
Crisps - 1
I'm writing this in advance as I am out tonight (not drinking though) and WI first thing in the morning.

Tea will be

TLC Mince and Potatos - 3
Bread - 1
Home made Soup - 2
Dutchbread - 2
Something to the value of a point - 1

(the last line being I'm not sure what we have in yet, but I'll find something :) )