Puggso_32 - Plodding along

My tea will be (when I make it)

Raviolli - 5.5
Burgers - 3
Garlic Bread - 2
Jelly - 0

Which will be 20 so far
Toast - 1
Crisps - 1

22 for the day
Here we go folks, the whole day in one go

Porridge - 6
Toast - 1

Cous Cous - 3
Soup - 0.5
Crisps - 1

Mince and Tatties - 3
Bread - 1
Banana- 1.5
Yoghurt - 1
Crisps - 1

2 walks, one 1.5 and the other 2.5
And I stuck to that.

Oh and 4.1 miles I've walked today!
Shredded wheat - 3

Lunch will be

Crisps - 1
Jelly - 0
Had to pop out to a police station on my lunch (they are after me!!!!) Which involed an all in walk of half an hour so I have earned 1.5 points from that :D
To WI I go
2 down!!!!!! Ya fooking dancer!
So aye, as said, 2lb down! I'm 3lb off being 10 stone!!!!!


Pasta - 5
Sauce - 1
Bread - 3
Crackers - 5
Banana - 1.5

19.5 so far.
Toast - 1
Crackerbread - 2

21.5 for the day but just going to round it up to 22.

1.5 from my lunchtime walk means I have earned 14.5
You're doing really well chick - still! Very impressed, good inspiration you are. Keep it up matey :)

Cheers :)

Well done!!!!

Thanks very much Emma, welcome in here, it's a bit crazy at times (especially lately...I've been talking to myself :D)


Porridge - 3
Toast - 1

Cous Cous - 3
Soup - 0.5
Crisps - 1
Tomatoes/Jelly - 0

8.5 so far
Tea is;

Baked potatoes - 7.5
Bread - 1
Snackajacks - 1.5
Banana - 1.5
Jelly - 0

20 so far
Great news. Well done

Irene xx

Cheers Irene :)

No usual walk out to pipe band tonight.


Well I now have an all inclusive trip to Spain in July with my dad's band. 5 days out of Scotland (including travel) at a Celtic Folk festival!

The downside is I now have a massive amount of tunes to get off! So jumping the train out instead!
Porridge - 3
WW Bagel - 2

Soup - 3
Crisps - 1
Jelly and tomatoes - 0

9 so far
Puggso, wooo hoo the 9's are approaching!

I am disappointed in myself after reading that you have been talking to yourself over here.... ashamed I am..... xx
Puggso, wooo hoo the 9's are approaching!

I am disappointed in myself after reading that you have been talking to yourself over here.... ashamed I am..... xx

Haha, don't you worry! It's not liking I'm quoting and replying to myself...yet!