Glad to have you back and hear that you are feeling much better.
It is worrying about your continued weight loss but a few weeks ago you did have a couple of gains in a row didn't you? So it seems when you do eat enough and cut back a little on the exercise you are able to gain a bit. I do understand worrying that all the symtoms are connected and would always advice questioning doctors decisions if you think there is reason to because you know your body best BUT at this point there doesn't seem anything to connect all the symtoms. Coughing blood can happen with flu as far as I am aware and feeling generally run-down could explain the vertigo. I think we share the same absolute fear and hatred of seeking medical attention, and I know with me that is coupled with severe health paranoia. I once managed to convince myself that I had a rare and untreatable form of breat cancer (inflamatory breast cancer) because I had an itchy breast for 2 days. It turned out there was an annoying tuft of lace on the inside of my new bra.... D'oh! I am not suggesting you are over-reacting but just that you should try not to worry unnecessarily. If you think it would help though then change GPs pratices. I think its important we all feel as comfortable as we can that we are going to receive the best possible health care when we need it.
How is the wedding planning going? I suspect not much has been happening while you have been so ill, but we are always excited to hear about it!