Long long week this end. Brother been in a coma and father in law in hospital. Both in different places, an hour and a half away from each other. Both on the mend.
It's sent me slightly wacko. I've been so dizzy and faint in the afternoons, especially at work. My blood pressure is 100/60 which I'm told is normal. So my midwife suggested keeping hydrated and eating more as it could be blood sugars. So I'm trying my hardest to keep eating but it's hard when I've been at a different hospital each evening. Tend to have something quick but I got prepared at the end of the week and got a good supply of fruit and veg for snacks, fruit gums, for sugar and made pasta with meat and veg for work lunches. That being said, I'm haven't been food deprived and I'm certain I'm having lots of calories, it's just not the quality I'm used to.
Great thing, which isn't so great, but I did faint on Tuesday. Luckily while next to a nurse at work, she took me to go to hospital and get checked out and I got a scan

Baby is doing great, growing well and everything is perfect. It waved! Was sucking it's thumb. And is the exact size it should be
Anyway today is slightly normal, we both decided to have a day off. WE ARE NOT LEAVING THE HOUSE. Hubby is knackered and I'm practically asleep lol!
Anyway we are having a nice meal tonight. I am finally using the tagine I got at Christmas.

Tagine is in the oven for a slow cook, spicy Moroccan chicken with olives, onions and peppers. Yum! To be served with jumbo couscous
I'm waiting for blood results back bit I think I have just been over doing it and super stressed. Hubby said I need to think about the baby and stop being so nice. Maybe take some sick if I'm too tired to go to work, and I don't have to go every night to see people in hospital. So I will listen.
His dad is fine, they are switching his meds over. So he has a day when he isn't taking any Parkinson's meds and he can't even write. But he should be back to normal within a week.
Brother is out of coma, promised my mum he will stay in until at least Monday. So....that's something.
I'll check all your diaries tonight.
Lots of love Sarah and Big Baby Bump.
Oh and let me share this:

Our first baby gift from Neil's mums friend.
3 hand knitted cardigans
Baby bath towel and mitt
Pack of bibs