Gold Member
Arghhhhh! Spent all day doing my tax return. Couldn't figure out why I was £450 down. Then I figured out it was a big order I did for a school and they wanted their invoice sending online, so it wasn't recorded in my receipts book. I'm so stupid...spent over an hour checking all my numbers. Anyway all done. Waiting for my p60 from work so I can get it all sorted! Luckily all my business money is in a separate bank. So once I have paid the tax I can transfer whatever else into my personal account.
Had a rubbish week. I had a shooting pain down one leg. So very painful. I went to doctor and it's 'pelvic girdle pain' which is basically 'pregnancy sciatica'
Something inside me is pressed on my nerves. It is pregnancy related and should disappear after the pregnancy but there isn't much I can do. You can have a healthy back beforehand, it may effect you in one pregnancy but not the next, it's very common. Most painkillers are off limits, I've been advised not to take any. But the pain is worse when I'm sat down all day (work). Standing up and sitting down hurts a lot. Apparently it will only get worse. Blah!
Other than that I've been beaming with smiles. I'm obsessed with my belly. Laying in bed, watching tv, laying on sofa, any chance I get I pull my top up so I can watch baby Harriett wiggle around. I'm fascinated. She is so active.
Food has been normal. I have a smaller appetite than usual but I've never been hungry. I just can't handle big meals. Whatever I do eat keeps me full for a long time. No weird cravings. I'm so boring.
Today's Food
Egg wrap (square wrap) with cooked cherry tomato
Honey and hot water (have a sore throat)
Jumbo couscous, olives, peppers, cucumber, rocket, spring onion, balsamic dressing
Chicken wrapped in bacon - cooking right now)
Carrot/swede mash
Mixed Veg
2 x ice lolly

New horse nextdoor
Had a rubbish week. I had a shooting pain down one leg. So very painful. I went to doctor and it's 'pelvic girdle pain' which is basically 'pregnancy sciatica'
Something inside me is pressed on my nerves. It is pregnancy related and should disappear after the pregnancy but there isn't much I can do. You can have a healthy back beforehand, it may effect you in one pregnancy but not the next, it's very common. Most painkillers are off limits, I've been advised not to take any. But the pain is worse when I'm sat down all day (work). Standing up and sitting down hurts a lot. Apparently it will only get worse. Blah!
Other than that I've been beaming with smiles. I'm obsessed with my belly. Laying in bed, watching tv, laying on sofa, any chance I get I pull my top up so I can watch baby Harriett wiggle around. I'm fascinated. She is so active.
Food has been normal. I have a smaller appetite than usual but I've never been hungry. I just can't handle big meals. Whatever I do eat keeps me full for a long time. No weird cravings. I'm so boring.
Today's Food
Egg wrap (square wrap) with cooked cherry tomato
Honey and hot water (have a sore throat)
Jumbo couscous, olives, peppers, cucumber, rocket, spring onion, balsamic dressing
Chicken wrapped in bacon - cooking right now)
Carrot/swede mash
Mixed Veg
2 x ice lolly

New horse nextdoor