Oh wow! I'm starving. I've had left over vegetarian BBQ for tea. I had BBQ yesterday and out if 6 of us, only me and hubby ate meat. So we just did all veggie. It was nice.
So I had tonight 2 veggie sausages, a wrap, beetroot salad, coleslaw, corn on cob.
Then sat down for 5 mins. Then had a cornetto. Then I had another cornetto.
No I'm sat here hungry. Gonna leave it 30mins before I have a yogurt. I have a crunchie bar in the cupboard. I really want it. I can't remember feeling this piggish for a few years now.
Had midwife today and she measures my belly with a tape measure and my belly was 3 weeks small. All my scans baby has been right measurement. Even the one 10 or so days ago. She has arranged a growth scan for me at hospital for Friday. I'm not worried at all, I'm just using it as a good reason to see baby again

I don't see how they can know babies size from measuring my stomach, what if baby is in hidden a bit or a funny angle.
P.S I have just updated my iphone app for minimins, it's all new and I don't like change.