Feeling a little better than i did yesterday and made it in to work today at least!!
had shake for brekkie and then had noodles forlunch 230 calories with 2x ryvita to "dunk"!!
Apple,satsuma and snackajacks for treats!
Am going to see my brother and sis in laws new house tonight and then they want to eat out but I will be beign gooooddd !! Weigh in onSundayand has sneaky cheeky peaky onthe scales this morning and they were reading as they should!! so need to keep that way. Umpiringall day tomorrow and then race for life onSunday so fingers crossedthisrain stops!!
Hope you are all having a good day!
6 days until my birthday 7 days unilifinishmy job, 11 days until holiday!! and 23 days until i start my new job!
Exciting times