Full Member
Oh no. Poor you. But just think how good you'll feel when you get up in the morning and know you didn't cave. It must be a nightmare dieting and stopping smoking. When I quit I was at uni eating whatever I felt like - you are a wonder woman!
Know where you're coming from on the malbec. My. All. Time. Favourite. Ever.
Maybe promise yourself if you're good on diet and smoking front all week you can spend some weeklies on a bottle on Friday night? I know I will be! You'll feel great and like you've definitely earned it.
Take yourself off to bed and willpower willpower willpower!
Ruth x
Thanks hun. I was just in SUCH a bad mood last night. Feeling much more positive today. Thanks so much for your support. I think it's the giving up smoking, planning the wedding and trying to lose some pounds is all just getting a bit much. You're right though. Looking forward to my malbec at the weekend.arty0036: It's sitting in the press waiting for me! How long you been off the smokes for? xxx