Hey everyone!!!
I am back!! Sorry i have not been on recently but been back in hospital. Got gallstones and gallbladder had an infection in it. ad to be given antibiotics through a drip. Its horrible. Off work just now and trying to stay on track with diet instead of comfort eating. Doing well so far

Missed weigh in on thursday because I was in hosp so i will hopefully have a good weight loss this week when I go
Hope everyone else is having a great week. What u all been up to at the weekend?
Spanx, did u try the diet coke chicken? I made it before and it was delish. I did also try the Diet Irn Bru Chicken and it was horrible

Weird though as diet irn bru is my fav drink!!
Cap, ur doing well huni, my goodness u will be running marathons soon! Go u
Not had a chance to catch up on the rest of the posts, i will do tomorrow. Speak to you all soon
Love Debz xxxx
Oh Debz - you are having a hard time of it! Exactly the same happened to me with my gallstones, I ended up in hospital for a week with serious dehydration, jaundice and a stomach infection. Had to stay on a drip for 6 days - it wasn't nice. Then I had to stay on a very low-fat diet until they took my gallbladder out - so SW is perfect for that... Hope you get it sorted soon hun!
Not done the Diet Coke Chicken yet, as my son wants to try it too and he's been at his Dad's. I did make the syn-free chicken biryani posted by Barsi on the recipe forum though, and it was delicious!
Hey can I join
Got lots to lose and just want to have some people to talk to on this Lol
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Welcome Princess, looks like you have the right username for this thread! Well done so far and good luck for the rest of your journey! x
I was right, it didnt go well 1lb on but Im not upset and Im certainly not heading for the biscuit tin (my usual reaction to not doing very well). Im going to have a bath, put the chickens out, play with the rabbits and go shopping for everything on my meal plan this week. 1lb is not a disaster and I know if I eat more super free I am onto a winner.
Best of luck for other Sunday weighers and for the rest of us over the next week.
Princess247 you have come to the right place for motivation and inspiration this crowd are amazing!
Tatws - that's the spirit! 1lb on isn't a disaster as you say - and what goes on quickly will come off quickly!
Morning all
Hello and welcome Princess :wavey:
Debz - you aren't half going through the ringer, lets hope they have it all sorted soon :cross:
Tatws -you will whip that itty bitty lb off again in no time:vibes:
oooh Spanx -your jollies are really close *exciting* are we all packed n ready to :character00255:?
Well my weigh in today and I have lost 2.5lb and on * week too :bliss: ANNNNND I got my 9.5st shiney :gimi:. SO Im a happy bunny ... and Im creeping closer and closer to where I want to be... it seems quite unreal -but nice.
Anyway -have a lovely weekend all and keep at it we WILL get there
Capricorn, huge congrats on your 9.5st sticky - I've said it before and no doubt I will be saying it again, but you are a real inspiration.

Not at all prepared for my hols - in fact one of today's jobs is sorting out all the stuff we're taking and making sure it's washed! Of course, I've got the important things ready - Ipod updated and Kindle stocked with new books!!!
Hi everyone!
Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend
Spanx good luck for your wi this morning.Fantastic nsv well done!! Not long till your hols
Debz sorry to hear you have been back in hospital,you poor thing,I hope they can sort things for you soon.
Welcome Princess :welcome:
Tatws you will soon get rid of that 1lb and well done for not hitting the biscuit tin!!
Capricorn well done on your fab loss!! big congrats on your new shiney:superwoman:
Now can one of you help me,I tried to change my sticker to 8 and a half stone and got so far and i couldn't get it to work.I don't know what i'm doing wrong
Have had loads of lovely comments this week about my weight loss,which has put a big grin on my face and given me a real boost.1lb off for me this morning yay!
Well done Surreygal - another great loss! :happy096: It is lovely when people start noticing, so keep wearing that well-deserved big grin! x
2lbs off for me this morning - really pleased as it puts my BMI into the overweight category - I am no longer obese!! Woohoo!
Also, on the Sunday weighers thread a number of us with good losses this week noted that we've eaten a lot of strawberries, so I googled strawberries and weight loss and this is what I came up with - makes interesting reading and I will certainly be munching on them all summer!
Sweet and tart strawberries are the perfect way to enjoy the season and are a healthy food to eat to lose weight. These flavorful, juicy berries make a wonderful healthy snack or dessert. Packed with powerful antioxidants strawberries can turn on your fat-burning hormone adiponectin. They can help reduce inflammation and make your weight loss hormone, leptin, do its job of increasing metabolism and curbing cravings. Exciting research now shows that eating strawberries can help control blood sugar, providing nutritional support to help fight diabetes, pre-diabetes or the metabolic syndrome.
Strawberries are also a good source of Vitamin C and fiber. One cup of strawberries has only 49 calories, and contains the minerals magnesium, potassium and calcium. Eating high nutrient density foods such as strawberries, with lots of nutrition for the calories consumed, is a key to weight loss and healthy eating. Studies indicate that strawberries may be great brain food, helping to keep the brain young and fit. With these health benefits, it’s no wonder strawberries are highlighted in the recipes of our book,
The Fat Resistance Diet.
Have a great Sunday everyone! xxx