I'm only on my 3rd week of exercise and I love it. Missed 3 days earlier this week and I was so lethargic and grumpy I could hardly move! Amazing the difference it makes.
I'm only on my 3rd week of exercise and I love it. Missed 3 days earlier this week and I was so lethargic and grumpy I could hardly move! Amazing the difference it makes.

I know exactly what you mean. No matter how tired I feel I still try to go out for a run coz I know I'll feel so much better when I get back. How are you getting on with your running?? Youve been doing really well judging from the updates on the C25k thread
I know exactly what you mean. No matter how tired I feel I still try to go out for a run coz I know I'll feel so much better when I get back. How are you getting on with your running?? Youve been doing really well judging from the updates on the C25k thread

Been doing quite well. Actually doing C 2 10k but there isn't a thread for that!! My only problem is having to be so careful due to my recurrent shin splints. Not letting it stop me though as I love it too much. Next week I have the first big jump running wise so rather nervous!
Cherryblossom, Youre just right to use the c25k thread coz its really the same principal supportwise :). I'm hoping to start bridge to 10k when I finish c25k but hoping I'm not being too ambitious :eek: There is a good thread on the fitness forum for support too thats worth checking out. Hope you manage to keep your shin splints at bay. i remember my cousin suffering from them & he said they were very painful
Hi there

Back on the straight and narrow now, i lost 2.5lbs this week. I am feeling loads better than i have been after operation. Need to get back on the right track. Hopefully this is me now !! Got a wedding this weekend though in arran so be lots of drinking, full scottish breakfast and meals will be a case of grab and go!! Staying in arran sat and sun. Be back on track on Monday x
Are you all sitting down coz I nearly fell off my scales when I looked???? I've lost 4 1/2lbs this week & done the hat trick!!!! :D

Got into the 13's
Got my bmi under 30 &
Got my 6 stone shiney!!!!!! :D:D:D

I know I said I would have cried if I didnt have a loss this week but I honestly wasnt expecting that!!! I had to check the scales at least a dozen times incase they were lying!!!! :eek:

Now to just try to repeat my week for next week too :rolleyes:

Well done Welshcake & Debz & good luck to everyone else weighing in over the next few days too!!!!!
Wooop wooop Welshcake :D:D

Well done Debz a great loss:D great news that you are feeling loads better:) have a lovely weekend enjoy:)

Everyone sounds really motivated this week :character00116: Good luck to all who are still to wi:).

Have a great Friday
Sweet crossed posts.

:happy096: well done hun what a fantastic loss and such a great boost:D:D congrats on your new shiney:Dxx
Thanks Surreygirl!!! I'm absolutely thrilled :D
Are you all sitting down coz I nearly fell off my scales when I looked???? I've lost 4 1/2lbs this week & done the hat trick!!!! :D

Got into the 13's
Got my bmi under 30 &
Got my 6 stone shiney!!!!!! :D:D:D

I know I said I would have cried if I didnt have a loss this week but I honestly wasnt expecting that!!! I had to check the scales at least a dozen times incase they were lying!!!! :eek:

Now to just try to repeat my week for next week too :rolleyes:

Well done Welshcake & Debz & good luck to everyone else weighing in over the next few days too!!!!!
Well done you it makes it all worth while, I keep thinking that I've made a mistake somewhere and that I couldn't possibly have lost 6st :D
Well done you it makes it all worth while, I keep thinking that I've made a mistake somewhere and that I couldn't possibly have lost 6st :D

I know exactly what you mean. I have to dig out old photos to remind me that actually I have!!!! lol
Woohoo! Well done Debz, Welshcake and Sweet! Great losses and milestones smashed this week!

Debz, glad you are already feeling better - have a good weekend away!

Sweet and Welshcake - 6 stones lost is amazing. Thank goodness for Slimming World hey?! :D

Have a good weekend everyone, at least the weather is supposed to be improving!
Hope everyone is having a good weekend:).Should be doing housework but I thought I would come on here and get my mini's fix first;) Housework can wait till later.
Off to have a mooch about:)x
Housework or Minis? No contest!!! :D

Happy to report in with a 2lbs loss this week, which means I also got my 4.5st shiny! Woohoo! :D:D:D

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend and enjoying this rare bit of summer sunshine! x
Afternoon all ...
Thought I should pop back in -sorry to have been missing for so long -it was a 2 week emergency dash back to the uk and then this week I have been trying to catch up with my tail... so now "normal service can resume" :p

I have looked back over the last page or so and :happy096: on all those cracking losses and some amazing goals achieved -I hope everyone is suitably proud of their self :clap:

A few mentions *from what my addled brain can remember*
Debz... glad you are feeling better -lets hope its the start of a nice quiet n pain free phase for you :vibes:

Pink -:happy036: on your 3 goals .... hope you did a little dance ;)

Spanx -well done on your loss my lovely...

Surreygal -I missed you getting your 10 1/2st shiney :eek: -all I can say is :happy096::0clapper::party0011::woohoo::banana dancer::bunnydance: ooh and :party0049:
Welshcake - :happy096: on your 6st shiney...

Well after the 2 weeks of sleeping on someones floor :eek: and having NO scales, jug, measuring spoons or even a bl**dy oven -me n hubby managed to come back having stayed the same (which felt like a 1st loss after the 2 weeks we had to get through ;))
So it was straight back to the weighing n measuring this week and although I didn't do my usual carb curfew and only managed 1 walk around the golf course (no gymble of badminton :cry:) because my achilies is still playing up.. I got on the scales this morning and I have lost 6lb :faint2::woohoo: ...which also means I have got my 10'5st shiney to go with Surreygals :wee:

Its only about 16 weeks-ish ubtil we move back to the UK for good so Im really really hoping I can get to target by then :cross:

I will bore you with some NSVs I got whilst we were away...

The last time I went on a plane I had to wedge the belt under my fatta podge (I wouldn't ask for an extender :eek:) this time I tootled onto the 54 seater and I had 8" of belt to spare (and it was around my widest part :D, last time I couldn't get my tray down more than about 45 degrees -this time I dropped it flat AND had to slide it about 3" upto me :D .... I was looking after my nephew after the funeral and as there was no baby swing I sat my ass on a normal one and not only did it fit -but it didn't dig into my thighs/hips :D
and the oddest one of all - when we got to the hospital some of hubbies extended family seemed a bit "off" -I put it down to the situation -however when SIL came home she told me that as soon as we left the ward the topic of conversation was about how come hubby had got divorced and remarried without telling anyone :confused: - they thought I was someone else :p

Right I will shut up now....I hope all you lovely ladies are well and having a good weekend... keep up the great work everyone -we WILL get there :D
Some of you remember yesterday that I posted an NSV for jogging 500m without stopping. Well today I decided to push it and see how far I could really jog (albeit slowly). On the way out I jogged non stop for 1.13km and on the way back I jogged the entire way, a whopping 2.75km!!!! 4 weeks ago I couldn't have even slow jogged 10m!!

So as I'm sure you can imagine I am the happiest person in the world ever.
I do however now feel as though my legs are going to drop off.
I'm doing couch 2 10k. Which starts off a lot slower but you end up being able to run further.
Awwww thanks hun. The feeling of achievement is brilliant.