Sounds like you all have had a fantastic weekend & some fabulous losses!!!!
Welcome to Mutti-mum!!! Great to see new faces & new friends to share the journey with!!
Cherry-blossom, well done to you. Its a fantastic feeeling when you realise just how much you have achieved in such a short space of time isnt it. Youre doing fantastic with the c210k. Just out of curiousity how many weeks is the plan? I'm assuming its longer than the c25k??
Capricorn, sounds like you have had a lot of NSVs as well as your awesome loss!!!! 6lbs!!!!

& a 10.5 stone shiney!!! double

Spanx, great to see you had a good loss too
& hoping, well done on your amazing inch loss & all that exercise you have been doing!!! I feel tired just reading it!!!
I'm going for another extra good week though I have a day away in the middle of the week which I always find a bit of a nightmare. I stay on plan but its never as good as the food I have when I'm at home if you know what I mean plus I dont think I'll be able to squeeze in a run that day

On the positive I met some friends this morning that I hadnt seen since the end of june & they were amazed at howmuch I had changed since then so I suppose I must be doing something right!!!