Step2 810kcal Quick fix?

Still going strong. I was at a pub quiz last night and drank slimline tonic all night! :)

I'm out for dinner tonight, so it'll be a bunless burger, again! Despite being 100% all week - the scales aren't moving much! Seeing as I still have dinner tonight and a party tomorrow, I'm worried I may even gain this week! That would be horrible seeing as over the whole week I still average under 1000cals per day :(

On a positive - love my mix a mousse! choc orange flavour, mmmmmm.

Always tricky when going out socialising on this diet. I still went out but just didn't eat - or ate as little as I could get away with. I suppose I decided that some deprivation would be involved and I wasn't prepared to have a STS or a gain. It is not a social diet, that's for sure! Just try and eat lightly and make excuses as to why you don't want to eat much.

I never tried the mix a mousse stuff but I never had the shakes as you are supposed to have them. I always just mixed them with a small amount of water to make some paste thing and ate them with a spoon.
Hey G,

Yea I have found I have started twisting the truth... 'I've already eaten'. I have a flat mate, so I keep my sachets in my room and smuggle them into the kitchen... I think he thinks I have a food problem! Oh well! I have said I'm on a detox! Kind of true I guess.

The shakes are my fav, I make them with my milk allowance and turn it into mousse, tastes like angel delight!

Due to the burger tonight, I have cut down on my other products to keep the cals low!

Tomorrow I'll just have to make the gin shots tiny and the slimline tonic huge.
Well the burger made me pretty poorly... I'm quite sure that it is well out of my system! Back on it today, couple of drinks tonight, then 100% until weigh in on Weds. However, even when I have been 100%, the scales aren't going below 10.12... My body is hanging onto it's fat stores.
I have started weight training again, so I wonder if I'm retaining water... We will see!
Due to my drinks tonight (slimline G&T), I'm having all my products today, porridge, mousse and a bar (for higher carbs) and then quorn cabbage and brussels cooked in chicken stock for dinner.

Off to the gym now! Hope everyone has a good Friday :)

Right, my good intentions slipped. My friend from back home surpirsed me by coming to stay! So I have had 1.5 days off plan. By off plans, I haven't eaten everything in sight, but I have eaten carbs. The scales show a 1.5lb gain, which is fine :)

Back on it today! Weigh in on Weds to try and undo the damage!
At least you've got straight back to it tig. It's all about the damage limitation now. You've got plenty of time until Wednesday
Well - I won't be going off plan like that again anytime soon. I was so ill yesterday. I've still got really bad stomach cramps now, and spent a lot of the night in the bathroom! :(
Scales are up slightly more this morn, but not reading too much into it! I don't want to eat anything at the moment! I may try and get a shake down later...
Slap Slap Slap!

Argh I've been an idiot! I was ready to throw the towel in today, just go back to SW. I binged, made myself quite poorly (not on purpose I should add).
I've given myself a good talking to... The damage isnt too bad yet, so I'm back on it. NOW!

Once you've slipped, it's so hard to get back on, but I'm so close!!
