Ah, well I'm looking forward to all the French loveliness food & drink wise and am interested in how I adjust re choices, portions etc - unusually for me I'm not stressing about this but more quizzical

I know I'll be OK and I know I'll have a number of over indulgent days/nights, but hey - that's what Holidays are for!
So week 2 of flying SOLO has passed - been a bit of a drag as I've not felt on top form (for reasons explained on another thread), but getting better these past 48hrs and much more optimistic again now
Over the last 7 days I've eaten an average of 2,241 KCal per day, but with exercise this comes down to ~ 1,925 KCal NET
Mostly the week days are 'good' calorie wise, and Friday - Sunday much higher, which I'm more than happy with as over the week it all works out. Had a major blow-out on Sunday after BBQ and was a little remorseful the next day but not as bad as last week - I think slowly I'm coming to terms with my imperfections and this can only be good for the long run.
I've socialized, eaten out, joined in BBQ, and been taken out to lunch twice in the past week and mostly made very healthy choices food & drink wise. I've walked most days and enjoyed being out, with longer walks at weekends and when time permits. I've even ordered a meal with CHIPS and Garlic Bread, eaten some of them and sent 50% + back on the plate.
I think I can honestly say I am making progress
Still feel weird about being 'slim' (see Daisy's thread), but I think I understand why that is which is the first step towards coming to terms with it.
I still don't feel ready to stop logging food & exercise yet though - but I guess this will come in time so I'm not going to rush it.
So Wednesday Night is meeting night & I didn't go - as planned, so weighed at home and
11 stone 13lb - EXACTLY the same as 2 weeks ago at last meeting

(amazed and delighted)
So it seems I worry about nothing and M
UST stop weighing myself at other times!!!!
I did say I'd go to meeting next week to be officially weighed, but think I may leave it until the next week on 29th July - that will be 4 weeks between visits and also the night before I go on Holiday - so if still the same weight I think I could honestly say I'd cracked it.
Good to catch up, back later