Tuesday Green B. A sports energy bar and coffee
56 very hilly miles on the bike, shredded! Piece of carrot cake 2 Americanos , 2 sugars, 1 bottle of isotonic on ride, 1 bottle water.
L. 2 x muller light yoghurts, , 1 weetabix 2 bananas. 2 homemade energy balls, cup of tea. 2 eggs scrambled, a left over roast spud.
D, on the hoof, picked at some pasta, baked beans. V busy getting horses from fields, daughter from vet work experience on local farm, then taking her to athletics training, then mucking out stables and putting up 4 hay-nets before I can do my ironing and get lunches ready for tomorrow. My belly is rumbling while I wait at the athletics track!
Got home had more pasta pivk, half a jacket spud and 3 Swedish meat balls....fresh pineapple.