I can understand the no pets thing but have always grown up with animals of all sorts, we used to live in the back of beyond and had loads of them. As it stands, we have 2 Chinchillas, 2 Dumbo rats and 1 gorgeous cat, no more tho!!!
Re exercise, I have an appointment on Saturday for a program to be set up for me. Time is an issue, I can spend 30-45 mins in the morning 1 week and 1 hr the next week per day. Was planning to do cardio and weights as well but my stamina is dire if this morning was anything to go by. Mind you, I havent done any form of exercise for years!
God, when I was younger (pre kids) I used to do 10hrs Karate a week 30hrs cycling, 60 lengths a day swimming and so on, super fit! Once I had the girls I just didnt have time and then by the time I had put on weight I couldnt be bothered.
No more lazy Rach!!