Silver Member
Well done with your week 1 loss Rach! Super start!! 
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haha old school midwives say 'pizzas are delivered, babies are birthed' so we say caught! sometimes you really do have to catch though!
sooo had my weigh in and 2lbs off this week... bit disappointed but actually, i understand it and im ok with it. I have not had nearly enough water this week and i still have 7 packs left! which means i was only on 3 a day when for my height i should def be on 4. when im on shift i often dont get a break so there were days i survived on only 2 packs... i know this isnt healthy and im going to make a concious effort to ALWAYS have my 4.
SO plan, drink 2.5ltrs a day and have all 4 packs every single day.
and fingers crossed for a nice chunk off next week! im 98% sure i will be in the 13's next week which is very exciting too! xxx
am really on it today! 1ltr of water down so far (i know its a bit late in the day but i will do 2.5!) and have had 3 products. Got a lovely bottle of fizzy (water haha) and another pack for this evening once Jasmine's in bed.
It's shifts where i struggle, trying to learn and work is so hard and time consuming, when im there i forget to eat/drink, and that was the same when i was eating food, i would go 14 hours with nothing, then come home and order a massive pizza and sides!
But really, its an excuse. maybe a fair excuse, but still, if i try really hard i can make sure i eat and drink. noone will think less of me for popping in the staff room for 5 mins to have a drink and a shake, the women wont mind if i bring a bottle of water into their rooms, i just need to create new habits. NO MORE EXCUSES!
See if i drink out of a glass i leave loads, so im buying bottled water now, and i do actually drink it woo! seems like a waste of money buying bottled water but if it makes me drink i will take the hit!
sooo... 6lbs this week!!
Very happy with that. i was hoping for a big loss, as i only managed 2lbs last week and i've been chugging water all week but 6lbs is more then i was expecting so im chuffed!
Rach I think the losses equal themselves out, a bigger one followed by a smaller one, where as some people have steady mediocre losses. Your Halloween weekend sounds fabWell only 1lb this week, but im ok with it! i know ive been sticking to it, and i did lose 6 last week, so its all good! Got a weekend away to devon coming up with 2 friends and all our kids! its Halloween weekend. I'm going to stick to the plan as much as possible but there will be dinners out and drinks... its mine and jasmines first little holiday so im going to go a bit off plan, but try to limit the damage as much as possible!
Thanks lovely ones! yeah i agree, im not too fussed with the 1lb. i remember in 2012 i had a few weeks of just losing 1, but it never lasted! i was losing 3 and 4lbs right up until goal, so that thought is keeping me going! Also i really needed a wee when i got weighed too which probably wasnt the brightest idea (for a second, i actually considered hiding somewhere outside to wee before i went in, then realised how insane and gross that was!!!) Off for a spa day on sunday which i'm really looking forward too! my friend is coming up from bournemouth (where i used to live) to see me, so i'm treating her to spa and lunch. I'm turning sunday into a ss+ day and will have chicken salad with lunch which will be nice. oh not sure if i said (i think i mentioned it on Flics diary actually) but i was planning to buy some tupperware in prep for maintenance to freeze meals (to control portion size... i wont feel like i have to eat everything i cook!) and to take salads and healthy lunchs into uni, well i got some and they are sitting in my cupboard ready for a few months time! Next on my list, slow cooker and recipe book! Also bought a few low cal cookery books to start planning some healthy future dinners. Am looking forward to maintenance this time- im prepared for the hard work to begin!