see, what'd i say

genius idea! however you shouldnt put me in charge of who goes on the cover cause if you'd seen some of the people i've found attractive, you'd be either handing me glasses or tryna force me into a straight jacket
cheers Katie for that recipe, it sounds lush - will be trying that later - hope you're not feeling too unwell!
Sas, the job is sooo worth it.. especially seen as most of the kids are lovely including the misbehaving ones.. there are a couple of kids who are pure arseholes but never fear, they will be litter picking and poopa-scooping in a couple of years - your shoes are safe!

feeling a bit sore this morning from LB&T's last night.. but it was worth it - next week I hope I'll be able to push myself a bit further
outfit today is my big purple jumper - i need to find some more winter clothes as i'm just freezing all the time!

So big purple jumper, black pants and i'm thinking my grey boots as its so wet - my feet were soaked yesterday! (my gold shoes finally gave in and water came through the soles

food for today:
B - 60g shreddies (3) 1/2pt 1% milk (2)
L - 2 slices 50/50 bread (3) 80g cottage cheese (2) spinach, rocket, lettuce, tomato (0) apple (0.5) devon light custard (2)
T - either Fitz's stroganoff or something with swedish meatballs.. whichever ingredients need using first
earned 2.5 AP for my LB&T's last night too
