Rach's Weight Loss Diary

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Woop woop!! Well done cheeko!

i'm 14st 2lbs :)
what size are you now Aunty M? i might have some clothes for you if you want them? x
well done on your brilliant weightloss keep up the good work x x
5lb off - crikey malikey - thats fabtastic - well done you x
cheers all :D

food for today:

B - 60g shreddies (3) 1/2pt soya light (1)
L - 75g wafer thin ham (1.5) beetroot, watercress, rocket, lettuce, tomato (0) sainsburys vanilla mullerlight copy (1.5) apple (0.5)
T - cottage pie (4) sweetcorn (2) cauliflower (0)
S - cadburys fudge (2)

total: 15.5 points

going to have a few more points tonight.. know if i dont that i'll munch for england tomorrow. happy however that I'm eating much more food for my points cause i'm taking the time to properly plan and prepare my meals :)
OMG 5lbs is a fantastic loss well done you :D must give this spinning lark a try me thinks :p

Cath xox
painful but worth it! :D got myself booked up again this week - LBT's tomorrow and spinning on thurs :) x
Lol youre making me feel guilty. Ive just been walking for the mo......dont wanna strain myself or anything ;) :D But I think upping the exercise is next on the to do list. Was thinking of joining Curves as theres one near me. Went down 2 dress sizes in a month last time I went so might do that. Hmm they do spinning classes at uni so might look into that too :) spesh if I get results like that :D
Cath xox
id love to try curves.. i'm already a gym member elsewhere though, but atm its handier (sort of - still ages away! :p) than Curves is.. and i'm wanting to build myself up to exercising regularly and keeping it up (rather than giving up like i always tend to!) before i swap to a more expensive gym! :p
Hi Rachael, I've not posted on your page before but just wanted to say I read it practically every day (not a stalker, promise! hope you don't mind!), your constant cheeriness and determination not to let bad days divert you from your route to slender gorgeousness! :) You are a real inspiration - I am a similar age to you (and also called Rachel but with one a!)...talking of the spinning, I have just switched gym coz I was economising and going to the council one but it's the classes that made the most difference when I was at uni. Was intimidated by spinning but will try the beginner's class for sure now!! All the best, thanks xx
I know Im so skint at the mo so am waiting for them to do the free registration thing they do and then Id only have to pay the monthly fees :D

Rachel Im kinda scared of the whole spinning thing aswell heehee I have visions of me flying off the bike and everyone around me going down like dominos as I clatter into them lol :p:D
aww cheers Rachel! :D bit embarrassed now cause I talk a load of rubbish mainly (however I am proper smiley now cause I have a sort of "fan" - how cool is that? :D)

but yes, (just to show how geeky i am) never give up, never give in! :D love that space movie.. the one with Alan Rickman in where he's in a starship cast and gets picked up by some really thick aliens who think he and his "crewmates" really travel space.. must imdb the title!

do you have a diary? i will pop in and bookmark you if you do :D
I know Im so skint at the mo so am waiting for them to do the free registration thing they do and then Id only have to pay the monthly fees :D

Rachel Im kinda scared of the whole spinning thing aswell heehee I have visions of me flying off the bike and everyone around me going down like dominos as I clatter into them lol :p:D

there is no way you could fly off, however they're well heavy so if you're expected to move them, then be careful.. ive almost fallen over a couple of times haha! :D
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