cheers Rach, had a fab day

ended up teaching a lesson - totally dropped in it as teacher went home ill and supply had no clue about ICT so i explained i was training but hadnt demonstrated yet so asked if i could lead the lesson and she could give me feedback after.. my behaviour management needs work but i didnt expect myself to get 100% first time..
been well munchie lately - sure its my implant making me have invisible periods cause im proper RATTY at odd moments and my god, dont put me anywhere near a chocolate biscuit because its disturbing how little control i have!
todays food:
B - 4 multigrain ryvita (2) 30g philly light (1) w.t. ham (1) cucumber (0)
L - tin tuna (2) lettuce, cucumber, beetroot, pepper, tomato (0) 2 small pears (1)
T - 1 slice granary bread (1.5) sainsburys basics chicken soup (2) 2 ryvita (1) chicken breast (2.5) mixed vegetables (1)
S - 3 chocolate biscuits (4.5)
within points but my god if i hadnt had salad for dinner i'd be a goner!
long journey on the train tomorrow - taking laptop with a sort-of-fixed charger as replacement not here due to postal strike.. got loads to do - lessons to plan, masters case study proposal and critical assessment of a scheme of work to write, AS ICT to revise and try and make interesting.. list is endless.. no way will i even get half of that done, but proposals due friday so want to make a decent start on it at very least!
..goodbye life! LOL

(what life i hear you say.. gits

.. love you really!)
p.s, spinning was ace - instructor sick so had replacement "Dan".. my my, dont know what it is about a sweaty, hairy man.. but my god he was phenomenally gorgeous.. hard work gawping and pedalling at the same time!