Rach's Weight Loss Diary

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Brilliant loss hun totally deserved, keep up the good work. Good luck today with your lessons!! x
Well done on the loss.

As for the rest I have no idea what you are talking about :D

Brilliant loss again young lady:D

Orange hair:eek: What have I missed?

Kinda feeling a bit guilty for ripping into the teachers at my girls' school now, but only a bit - they deserved it IMO:eek:

Hope your next set of lessons go well - each one a learning experience eh;)
Woop woop! Well done on the 2.5 off. Hope lessons go ok - you're definitely a better man than I am, gunga din! I wouldn't want to try and control a class of kids.
Hi Rach.
Glad to see your still doing good, well done on your loss this week! :)
Hope the observation went well. Will have to read/catch-up on your diary when I'm not at work. :D
With all this stuff you have to do for your teaching it makes me wonder how half of the teachers at dds school even managed to qualify & get a job!
Mind you her head got an award from gordon brown last week for the best head in england!:eek:

Well done on your great resuly hun xxx
hardly.. quite a few of them are expected to fail their first exam - mainly because some havent done GCSE level ICT at all, whereas the rest did OCR Nationals which is all coursework, so lack of exam sort of leaves them unprepared for AS Level. Its difficult to engage them as well as the topic is really formal and boring and John their actual teacher has opted to teach them for the pre-release materials so I have 2 hours a week to teach them theory..

my first observation went really well - really pleased with it. I missed out on a few standards - didnt set homework and a couple of times i told kids off for shouting out then took answers from other kids who shouted, as well as picking the same kids over and over.. but got a couple other standards signed off - a good few are things i cant do without teaching for a few weeks though.

btw, cheers all for listening to me rant about such boring stuff - if you are vaguely interested, all the numbers i mention are years, and x / y are the bands they are streamed into - x is high ability and y is lower ability. Number after their band is their set - each band has four sets - 1 being highest ability in the band, 4 being the lowest.

I have a nice mix - 7x3, 8x3 and 8y4, 9x3 and 9x1, 10x small option (10's and 11's come out of bands into small or large option ICT - small is 5hrs a fortnight, large is 5hrs per week) and Year 12 for 2 hours of theory.

going to try for an early night tonight as I am dead on my feet..

food for today:

B - oatsosimple apple and blueberry (3)
L - 2 slices wholemeal bread (3) ham (1) 30g dairylea light (1) lettuce (0) banana mullerlight (1.5)
T - quorn chicken pieces (2.5) gravy granules (1) carrot, onion, mushroom (0) jacket potato (2.5)
S - chocolate biscuit (2.5) cadburys multipack caramel (4)

total: 22 points
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I don't know much about it but it sounds like you're doing well. I'd find it so difficult, I'm sure you'll make a fabby teacher. I'd let you teach me :D x
All sounds like you are learning as you go which is good :D
Yay i'm so glad it went well my dear that is brilliant especially for such an early assessment. I hope you enjoy your early night. xxx
thanks all :) topped off my points with a cadburys caramel.. yum! :D

bed time! sooo looking forward to it!

tomorrow is fitness after school - encouraging the Year 12's to be fit and healthy by joining in and going to aerobics with them :p
Really good to hear the observation went well, I'm sure the difficulties you mentioned you will overcome with experience. Great to hear you sounding so enthusiastic and positive - you must be knackered!!
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