cheers everyone for popping in

feel all here this morning - sporting some very sexy panda eyes and a 'fro to rival Jamie's on X-factor LOL
mustnt be all here though as i did type this all out then close the window instead of pressing reply
Jane as far as I know, we coat the skin with sugar to brown it but i dont think theyre injected but I can find out for you if you like
just realised, i can have two malibu's for 1.5, so not as far over my points as i thought
yesterdays final food:
B - 60g shreddies (3) 1/2pt alpro soya light (1)
L - sainsburys minestrone soup (2) 90g crusty bread bun (3) apple (0.5)
T - bacon and mushroom toast topper (2) 2 slices bread (3) mixed veg (1) ketchup (0.5)
S - 10 malibu and diet cokes (7.5) lemonade (2) 4 ryvitas (2) 30g philadelphia light (1) ham (1.5)
total: 30 points (oops

) but at least i pointed it
going to attempt for a low pointed but filling day:
B - 2 slices toast (3) tin chopped tomatoes (0)
L - sainsburys bgty chicken and broccoli pie (4.5) extra broccoli / other free pointed veg (0)
T - 1/2bag quorn chicken style pieces (2.5) piri piri marinade (1) salad - lettuce, cucumber, tomato, spinach, watercress (0) 250g jacket potato (2.5)
S - sainsburys chicken noodle soup (2) 2 apples (1) orange (0.5) hartleys s.f. jelly (0.5)
total: 17.5 points - would pull back 4.5 of the 8 i went over yesterday

then tomorrow i'll try and fit in some exercise before work to pull some more back
