Rach's Weight Loss Diary

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Hope you earn the hangover I had last week :p
morrrrrrrrrrrning :D i'm in!

plan changed, i had toast topper on toast which i burnt to a crisp with veg (6) and then i remember at least 10 malibus, all with diet coke bar one double which arrived mit lemonaden. And then i've had 4 ryvita and philadelphia light and some water now i've got in :D :D

love my mentor shes smashing :D hope she had a good night cause i had a fab one - new £5 dress too big over my boobs so i lost modesty while dancing with my very OTT gay boss John LOL but we're all good, had a nice bra on :p

could murder a kebab but luckily nowhere open in Chopwell! :D gunna be good tomorrow at work I swear - on 11-8 though which sucks :(

sunday will be another matter but will be mad at myself if i'm weak! :p

na night all! :) x
Hey my lovely sounds like you had a wicked night. Glad you had a pretty bra on. Always the way forward as a safety. I hope work isn't too bad tomorrow and that the malibus don't come back to haunt you in the morning. Lots of love. xxx
I really want a malibu now!! Darn you Rachael :D xxx
Hey rach

sounds like you had a great evening - pants to having to work tmoz - hope the head isnt too sore.........
Sounds like a good night Rachael,hope you dont feel too rough this morning.

There is a thread going on on the SW site about rottiserie (sp?) chickens from super markets and wether they are free on not,seems most inject oil or sguar into them to enahnce the flavour and keep them moist,but some dont-wondered if you knew what sainsburys did with theirs ? pm/text me if it will get you in to trouble for blabing!!
cheers everyone for popping in :D feel all here this morning - sporting some very sexy panda eyes and a 'fro to rival Jamie's on X-factor LOL :p

mustnt be all here though as i did type this all out then close the window instead of pressing reply :p

Jane as far as I know, we coat the skin with sugar to brown it but i dont think theyre injected but I can find out for you if you like :)

just realised, i can have two malibu's for 1.5, so not as far over my points as i thought :D

yesterdays final food:

B - 60g shreddies (3) 1/2pt alpro soya light (1)
L - sainsburys minestrone soup (2) 90g crusty bread bun (3) apple (0.5)
T - bacon and mushroom toast topper (2) 2 slices bread (3) mixed veg (1) ketchup (0.5)
S - 10 malibu and diet cokes (7.5) lemonade (2) 4 ryvitas (2) 30g philadelphia light (1) ham (1.5)

total: 30 points (oops :p) but at least i pointed it :D

going to attempt for a low pointed but filling day:

B - 2 slices toast (3) tin chopped tomatoes (0)
L - sainsburys bgty chicken and broccoli pie (4.5) extra broccoli / other free pointed veg (0)
T - 1/2bag quorn chicken style pieces (2.5) piri piri marinade (1) salad - lettuce, cucumber, tomato, spinach, watercress (0) 250g jacket potato (2.5)
S - sainsburys chicken noodle soup (2) 2 apples (1) orange (0.5) hartleys s.f. jelly (0.5)

total: 17.5 points - would pull back 4.5 of the 8 i went over yesterday :p then tomorrow i'll try and fit in some exercise before work to pull some more back :) x
Good plan and so glad that you enjoyed it all as I said earlier and to come through without too much pain...a real gain...go Rach

You didn't go too far over! It could have been worse, there could have been the drunken munchies :)

Speaking of burning, I burnt something the other day too.. I burnt a curry in my slow cooker, don't think there was enough in there or too high or something. I can't get the smell out of my kitchen! :mad: It's been 4 days.. lol anyone got any ideas?
cheers all..

on the subject of burning.. my boss melted her hat and set fire to her hair when stripping the rotisserie oven today LOL.. poor boss.. love her to pieces but i dont know how she manages these things :D x
Thanks on the chickens Rachael, i think good to be aboe to make an informed decission.

Ian set fire to his fringe once,back in his student days. I must just be boring !!
you're welcome Jane :D

just popping in to add my points for today:

B - 2 slices toast (3) tinned tomatoes (0)
L - sainsburys chicken and broccoli pie (4.5) carrots, cauliflower and broccoli (0)
T - 3 sainsburys garlic and herb chicken goujons (2.5) 150g jacket potato (1.5) spinach (0)
S - tin sainsburys chicken noodle soup (2) apple (0.5) s.f. raspberry jelly (1)

total: 15 points :D ROCK ON! (watching X Factor on repeat - yay :D)

Well done on saving all those points!

Have a great sunday x
thanks Fitz :D

going to try my hardest to be good today! :)

B - apple and blueberry oatsosimple (3)
L - 250g jacket potato (2.5) tin beans (5.5) apple (0.5) 2 plums (0.5)
T -
S -

points: 12 + whatever i have for tea :)
B - apple and blueberry oatsosimple (3)
L - 250g jacket potato (2.5) tin beans (5.5)
T - 1/2bag sainsburys large prawns (1) 70g pasta (3.5) chilli, tinned tomatoes, onion, spring onion, garlic (0)
S - mullerlight (1.5) 3 squares cheese (3) 1 roast potato (1) bovril (0.5)

total: 21.5 points

really annoyed.. phones reset itself and i've lost ALL my numbers :(

can anyone whose number i had please text me again? (preferably with your name in the text.. not naming anyone TWIGS but if i get more than one text i still have no idea who is who! :p)

tomorrow is WI again.. been over points a few days this week but i've pulled back friday all bar 1/2 a point.. so hopefully i will STS :)

nervous again for teaching.. going to head to bed soon as i'm absolutely shattered!

food for tomorrow:

B - oatsosimple golden syrup made with alpro soya light (3)
L - 2 slices bread (3) ham (1) 30g philadelphia light (1) lettuce, cucumber, tomato (0)
T -
S -

total: 8 points then tea will be decided pending WI result :) x
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