Rach's Weight Loss Diary

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Was gonna ask how you made the chicken & leek & potato gratin?
But you arent making it:p!


My mum wanted to make potato gratin in France so I told her par boil the sliced potatoes, mix together milk and cream, pour over layered potatoes then bake on 4 for an hour (I made it up, I couldn't remember if that was right). Anyway, she put crème fraiche in the trolley thinking it meant fresh cream, so I went off to try and find some fresh cream.. no idea, ended up with natural yoghurt but didn't realise until after we ate the gratin and it was really nice. I will try that again for a healthy alternative and you can add whatever you want to it. Onions, mushrooms, thyme.. nutmeg goes well. Garlic. Etc etc.
Hi Rach. Kill those squatter pounds! you'll be in bikini mode in no time flat :)
cheers guys :) Charly, am thinking i'll make the gratin tomorrow :)

i am sat reading Matty's Mens Health magazine and while being appauled at the picture of a woman with white liquid dripping from her mouth down her face and onto her chest with the byline 'She's a fantastic lait' in relation to one of the tips about drinking milk, theres 100 tips on how to lose weight.. so of course i HAD to read it :p

apparently the best breakfast is melon followed by eggs - the eggs even break down the melons carbs.. and if you eat chilli con carne once a week, theres an enzyme in kidney beans which tells the body to break down stored fat instead of carbs for energy while mince boosts your metabolism.. and you should choose spinach (so Jess will be pleased ;)) above other greens as it has double the fibre which helps you process fats more efficiently :)

theyre just a few.. cant be bothered to type them all but theres some good ones!

also, there was buggar all point in going to the gym.. i forgot my water, my card and my towel so literally did 10 squats, 3 x 12 tricep presses and 3 x 12 pull ins and thats it LOL.. suppose its better than nothing but just didnt want to get sweaty and not be able to wipe down my machine cause thats minging!

Tea's in atm, and it smells lush :D
i did buggar all Cat, mustve just added that as you typed!

we still on for swimming tomorrow? i am looking forward to a dip :D
yeah im deffo up for it.. might even shave my legs this time.. lol!
Aaah never mind about not doing much.. you've done loads the past couple of days.. and have plans to do more you know? at least you went and did something!
i need to shave my legs.. today when we were sat i saw one which i thought was a blade of grass, but no.. it was a hair! :p

..i am going to get told off by Charly in a min cause she will be horrified that i went out with hairy legs on show hahahaha :eek:
Hello my lovely, glad you had a fab time with Cat and Dylan but bummer bout forgetting your gym stuff. Anyways tomorrow is another day. Take care xxx
cheers Jax,

and Cat.. my hair is bleached blonde but my leg hairs are gorilla coloured.. i'm laid here comparing with Matty atm LOL :p
well if they are I am pleased :D i hate shaving my legs i'm far too lazy :p

plus Matty whinges if i go first in the shower cause i take ages and use all the hot water hehe :D
lol! i know where shipcote is btw.. do you?

Btw.. save some points for cake on friday and i'll bring you and matty some
can i skip on the cake? Matty will gladly accept some though :)

i'm fussy with cake and icing and so on.. its quite handy for the hopefully lessening paunch though :)

and i have no idea where shipcote is.. could you text me your addy then we can go together and start with the petrol saving? :) x
also this is totally unrelated but i have to document it.. today at the gym, there was a space trooper doing spinning :p
a space trooper?! lol.. wtf?

No probs.. its getting made specially for dylan, with waybuloo on and a number 1..! Bless him.. Will deffo bring some for matty though.. he can have your piece too! haha
Morning Rach

Hoping that 2lbs will buzz off this week. Now me dear must keep standards up at all times legs need to be pristine especially when on show in one of the 20 new bikinis!!!!!

cheers Aunty M! :D

Cat, me too.. blooming hell my shoulders were killing from all those star jumps and spotty dogs!

aaaanyway.. today i have woken up with buggar all energy :p

yesterdays food ended as follows:

B - 2 eggs scrambled with a tbsp fat free onken nat. yoghurt (3.5) thick slice of toast (2) tbsp tomato ketchup (0.5)
L - asda reduced fat mozzarella and tomato quiche (5.5) salad (0) dressing (0.5) dollop of reduced fat houmous (2)
T - chicken and potato bake (4) 90g peas (1) and carrots (0)
S - slice bread (1.5) nutrigrain bar (2) chewee harvest cereal bar (1)

total: 23.5 points.. but i did a macca workout yesterday morning (we'll forget the poor effort yesterday afternoon!) so i'm sure i cancelled that 0.5 out :)

today.. still loving the scrambled eggs - yum! :D

B - 2 eggs scrambled with water (3) 2 slices nutty bread (3) tbsp tomato ketchup (0.5)
L -
T - 125g turkey mince (2.5) kidney beans (1) scotch bonnet, garlic, mushrooms, onion (0) 60g bulgar wheat (3)
S -

read in my Men's Health tips lol that protein rich snacks are best.. so wondering what i could carry round with me today.. :D
Morning rach..:8855:
Some good tips there might av to get the mag meself..
I see you have got yer kidney beans added in the menu..great stuff i luves em..
have a good day x
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