Rach's Weight Loss Diary

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Oh No over-estimated - you can see why I never made it into the family accountancy business!! However I do have a splendid 21.5 savged points so I will add in 1.5 of those as now the idea is there it needs realising.

Have a good day

Glad you had a good time Rach - well done for withstanding the temptations of the buffet table - you're a better man than I am ;)
Hiya Rach, can't wait to see the pics. Thats great you had a lovely time and I see you were quiet disciplined at the buffet, well done. Enjoy the rest of your weekend hun.
Glad you had a good evening last night hun! What was that txt about when you went to find the bathroom and found somet else instead? lol! *am intrigued*
Hey you, glad you seem to have had a lovely time last night. Well done on that willpower around the buffet table - hope it was extended to include avoiding the cannibis plants :p Catch up soon :) xxx
Glad you had a good time Rach - well done for withstanding the temptations of the buffet table - you're a better man than I am ;)

thanks Karen! :D ...i think! :8855:

Hiya Rach, can't wait to see the pics. Thats great you had a lovely time and I see you were quiet disciplined at the buffet, well done. Enjoy the rest of your weekend hun.

still bugging my sis to upload them - dont worry! :D

Glad you had a good evening last night hun! What was that txt about when you went to find the bathroom and found somet else instead? lol! *am intrigued*

Hey you, glad you seem to have had a lovely time last night. Well done on that willpower around the buffet table - hope it was extended to include avoiding the cannibis plants :p Catch up soon :) xxx

Is cannabis 0pts lmao? :p yes I avoided like the plague.. spent all night waking up at every little noise thinking we were going to get raided by 1) police or 2) rival drug dealers! Not in a hurry to go back and stay! Must have been at the very least 5 grands worth of plant in there though!

well done you on surviving a buffet - they can be dreadful diet saboteurs

Enjoy your next social gathering

Rosie xx

thanks v. much Rosie! :D

WELL.. just picked myself up a cheap salmon joint (just under 1kg weight for £1.83 reduced lol :p) from work - its got thyme and some sort of butter in it.. but not a LOT of butter.. so worked it out on scales and almost died.. 49points for the whole thing!

Well, i dont have THAT many points.. so will be having a little sliver off it and cat is going to get spoilt tonight haha :p

going to have it with a big bag of extra special tenderstem broccoli.. mmmmmm yummy :D

food update:

B - 1pkt quavers (1.5)
L - carrot and ginger soup (0) 3 pumpkin ryvitas (2) 275g jacket potato (3) tin beans (5.5)
T - sliver of salmon joint (9.5) and tenderstem broccoli (0)
S - advent choc (0.5)

total: 22pts
Wow, some deal you got on the salmon! Lucky old Amber! Howz you tonight? :) xxx
Wow, some deal you got on the salmon! Lucky old Amber! Howz you tonight? :) xxx

deal money wise, but otherwise.. 49 points! :eek: i am gooooood otherwise though - finished work and have a few hours to chillax before bed and then have to get up early and sort my hair / makeup supplies out as dont have time to go home after work before party :)

Didn't think the salmon would have been so high. Someone is going to have a smile tonight :D

Irene xx

wish it was me! going to be looking at Amber scoffing the lot and thinking how come SHE wont get fat! She chows down on a whole tin of Felix each day now shes not allowed biscuits.. not fair! :p (not that i want her felix lol.. :D)
haha i know! shoulda known really.. i know all white fish is much lower in points - all salmon, trout, mackerel / oily fish is much higher.. i love fish as well and i get sick of cod / haddock and white fish.. love salmon as well.. was considering having it for xmas dinner but might as well have chicken / turkey as its lower in points pretty much!
well.. here are the only ones i have atm - taking my camera (found my charger - yay! :D) tomorrow so will probs be more.. though wearing the same thing (cheapo! :D) so nothing new!


the dress! dont look too disappointed.. also, you can tell i have an inadequate chest from how much the top part flaps by my arms - didnt have time or pins to pin it lol! :p

and a couple of others just cause i love them :D


Me and OH :)


me and my sister who is sickeningly skinny - however she could guide ships in to land with her orange glowing face and she has white armpits lolol :D so we're all good - as long as shes not perfect i'm happy :D (and she says shes happy as long as i dont skinny past her lol! :p)


me and my step mums Sharpei Lenny - he's my ickle puppy i love him so much! He is of course terrified of everything (including the camera) hence why hes hiding behind me lol :D
thanks Irene :D *big hugs*
You look fab hunni, i love the dress.xxxx
Love the dress! Its really nice and very slimming!!! Where is it from?
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