Rach's Weight Loss Diary

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i know :D dead excited :)

got sent home from PT today as didnt have enough to eat beforehand. cant flaming win.. if i eat before spin, i get sick.. if i dont eat, i dont have enough energy to keep going.

got the shakes really bad and Mike refused to train me.. had a right huff like a 5 year old LOL. Bless his heart he did offer to come back later to train me though if i went and had some food. Shame i have to do work this afternoon.

Just had a tin of heinz minestrone soup and 2 slices bread so feeling a lot better now and the shakes have gone.

still managed half hour spin and about 15 mins of my PT session though so not all bad. Catching up with some True Blood and now going to crack on with school work.
Can't you have a diet energy drink beforehand?
no i cant keep fluids down either :( i find spin really difficult and often have to back off and pedal slow cause it makes me.. well.. regurgitate anything i've seen within about 5 hours :p

i only manage a few sips of water through the class and often feel like im going to see that again as well.
Hiya rach..
Hmm would having a few jelly babies help with that chuck?

Are you doing ProPoints now...Thanks for visiting me enjoy yer day hunny..x
If you had fainted (gillian mckeith stylee) or real would he not have given you the kiss of life?? Think this 1 through rach,hes only there for a few weeks more & you may never get the chance again!;) xx
omg Charly.. you are so right LOL. What a wasted opportunity!

i've been good with my food though:

B - banana
L - heinz minestrone soup (6.5syns) 2 slices wholemeal bread (HB + 3 syns)
T - salmon marinated in soy, chinese five spice and 1tbsp honey (2.5syns) green beans, potatoes
S - mango smoothie ice lolly by del monte (5 syns)

need to figure out what to have as my HA for the day. I'm over syns as usual - exercise is making me hungry and crave sweet things.. and i admit i've been eating before synning.. hence being over each day.
If you had fainted (gillian mckeith stylee) or real would he not have given you the kiss of life?? Think this 1 through rach,hes only there for a few weeks more & you may never get the chance again!;) xx

I am liking your way of thinking :D

Thats one heck of an exercise session if you cant stomach anything Rach. I'm even more impressed with your stamina than before. A brisk walk is enough for me.

Hope you have a lovely evening x
haha Fuzz, i did think you were just having a moment :D we'd chatted about it not long ago.. hope i can get some nice losses with SW like you are with PP :D

Aunty V, i'm just really enjoying the benefits of exercise more than anything. I've had loads of comments (well 2 or 3) from people saying I look thinner, healthier.. my legs look thinner (Matty said that and considering he sees them more than anyone else.. i was pleased he noticed :D) and in general i feel better when i exercise.. i feel like im doing something with my life rather than wasting it in front of the telly.......
......of course i have watched 4 episodes of house, 2 nikitas, bridget jones diary and the football is now on today :p but in all fairness i have done housework, school work etc and its not like i was heading out anywhere today anyway. Its been my day off and i wanted to spend it doing nothing particularly work related for the most part :p
Hey Rach

Hope you're having a good week! Was just reading your diary there and was trying to remember if the last time I was on here you were doing your teacher training?? I'm guessing you are teaching now, hope you are enjoying it, as hard going as it is!!
i am enjoying it, but yes, its really hard work. had a mixed day today.. wednesday is definitely my least favourite day unless its the one i have a half day on :p

snow meant i left work at 5:25 and got home at 8 today.. gotta love the white stuff. Some poor guy in a smart car convertible ended up in a ditch in front of us on the way home.. cars too light for the weather.. theyre not made for wind, rain, sleet, snow or anything other than sunny and dry :p he got out though luckily with minimal damage to his car / him.

just about to pop vampire diaries on.. i have held myself back from watching ahead with the american series online.. so looking forward to popping it on when Matty finishes watching the man u match.

food for today.. pretty good.. until i remembered i had belvita for breakfast again :p

B - belvita (12.5 syns)
L - coop fruit salad, 2 slices bread (HB + 3 syns) philadelphia x light (1.5 syns)
T - liver and onions in gravy (no idea on syns) with "mashed potato" and peas.. it was totally smash.
S - satsuma

...so maybe not a great food day! on the upside, my shoulders are still hurting from the gym so i'm sure my healing muscles must be using some of these calories to rebuild :p

we'll see if my theory is correct tomorrow at WI :D x
:D I'm rather glad there's no snow here I know it looks pretty and all that for a while anyway but I hate when it goes all slushy and horrid
hope you are having a nice day Rach x
Oooh, it's good Rach. I was worried it would be rubbish after Catherine appeared as there'd be no more "will she, won't see", but it's still great!
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