I am soooo excited - have still had chance to plan out my food though.. mainly
food for today:
B - 50g weetos (3) 1/2pt soya light (1)
L - greggs prawn salad (3) ham and emmental sandwiches (8)
T - chicken breast (2.5) stuffing (1.5) potato (2.5) gravy granules (1) broccoli (0)
S - small hot chocolate (1.5)
total: 24 points
tomorrows plan:
B - 60g shreddies (3) 1/2pt soya light (1)
L - pitta bread (2.5) with ham (1) philadelphia light (1) lettuce, tomato (0) apple (0.5) orange (0.5)
T - chicken curry (will work out points tomorrow)
S - s.f. jelly (0.5)
total: 10 + tea
also, i bought 10 packets of biscuits at work tonight..

getting into the teacher scene.. BRIBERY!
they were all on half price, so i thought if i have until xmas to take bits in for the staffroom, then i'll get em all now LOL. They cant possibly not like me now

off to bed anyway

have to be up early to decide what to wear!
